
Thoughts from Kelln

     I hope everyone had a very happy 4th of July.  We managed to have a very safe holiday. Although I did find myself watching videos of setting off explosives in years past.  One of the favorites is of an RV getting blown up.  Another involves a chicken running
      Presently, the actual stock market isn’t worth looking at.  Unless you are wanting to buy.         It looks to me like goat breeders need to treat the semen sales like the stock market.  You about need to buy a bunch of straws on up
      To be honest, for the first 15 years of raising goats, I really didn’t care about sale barn prices.  If I was hauling something to the sale barn, I wanted it GONE!  I really did not care what it brought.       Now, as a result of
      Much like Willie Nelson, I’ve been on the road again.  I’ve sorted through numerous sets of goats in several states.  I’ve gathered lambs from the midwest.  And I’ve traveled to several learning experiences such as the spur making workshop that I went to in east Texas last
     Growing up in Shattuck, OK, there was only one pizza option–Pizza Hut.  As a result, Pizza Hut pizza has always been one of my favorites.  The spring of 2020 brought lots of changes to the world.  Although it was a busy Pizza Hut, corporate decided that the Shattuck
        I don’t think that you can find anybody that markets their goats online that will argue with me with the following statement–Today’s online buyer is getting dumber!           For starters, as a whole, prospective buyers do not call the breeders and discuss
     Really hot and REALLY windy on Sunday.  So far, just hot on Memorial Day.  I finished plowing some fields Sunday afternoon.  The worst part is that the AC is out on my tractor.  I’m ready for them to get it fixed.         We all need to
     I cringe when people ask me “Are you glad to be done with school for a couple of months?”  Hunh?      Sunday found me sorting a good set of goats and identifying show prospects for students.        Monday through Wednesday found us traveling to a judging
      May 25, 1977 was the debut of arguably the greatest of all time–movie.  This was the debut of Star Wars.  Without argument, it is the most profitable film series of all time.  Almost a dozen movies, tv specials, streaming series, cartoon series, action figures & toys have
     It has been months since we have had a good rain.  So far, we are past 1″ and it is still raining.  Those in Eastern Oklahoma don’t need nor want the rain.  Those in central Oklahoma have been griping about it being dry and people, they don’t know

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