

     I cringe when people ask me “Are you glad to be done with school for a couple of months?”  Hunh?

     Sunday found me sorting a good set of goats and identifying show prospects for students.  

     Monday through Wednesday found us traveling to a judging clinic in Waynoka.  This was an excellent clinic for beginners and experience evaluators.  Outstanding livestock, awesome mentors that were coaching kids and the food was way good!!  

      Thursday found me traveling to Enid for a meeting and to drop some leftover critters at the Perkins sale barn.  I might have stopped and sorted through a really good set of goats on the way to that meeting.  

      I was supposed to be out of state on Friday but due to some family deals, that trip was postponed.  So, that leaves me looking at an empty shop here at the ag building on this Friday.  The last trailer of the year was picked up on Thursday.  The kids and I learned a lot from this trailer.  It was supposed to built in time to be shown at Woodward and OYE.  But due to supply chain difficulties, we didn’t get the axles until the shop was full of other products.  So we opted to start on it right after OYE.  I will not do that again.  Between speech contests, interscholastics, judging contests and conventions combined with baseball, softball, music, testing and other school activities, we hardly ever had a complete hour to work on it.   Basically, the real world combined with scheduling kicked our proverbial donkeys!  We learned and we will build another trailer like it.  

      Now I have an empty shop.  It is a feeling much like emptying a pen of goats..I like it.  It’s going to stay that way for a month or so.  Some cleaning and reorganizing will take place. 

      So now, I have an unscheduled day off. YEAH!!    Have a good one.  You know that I’m going to take advantage of this day.  

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