

It is Friday morning. Finally. This has been a long week and it isn’t over yet. Work has been hectic, not necesarily productive, but busy. Today, will be miserable as it is cattle sale day in Woodward, which makes Friday’s our busiest day. Have one parts person on vacation, a salesman on vacation and another salesman having to take a personal day to deal with some family stuff. Which means we will be shorthanded, no lunch, and I won’t get to leave the store till late, but we will get through it. At least we have water at the house this morning. It is amazing how a good shower can change one’s attitude.

I’m ready to get the rest of these wethers dispersed by Sunday. With nominations due on Monday for Tulsa, I have to be done by then. I’ve still got wethers scattered in different locations in OK and several to pick up in Texas. Sometimes, I realize that I might be a dumb bastard. Lots of time invested and miles covered to get all this done. Anytime, somebody wants to complain about how I get their goats for them, they can kiss my ass and get somebody else to help. I’m already pretty picky about who I help, so I don’t have to listen to any complaining. Which is good.

Most people wouldn’t understand how I sort goats. But it is pretty simple. I buy every goat that I like that fits inside a budget. Then I decide if it is going in Duke’s pen or not. Duke’s pen will have as many as 30 goats in it for awhile. Then I go to sorting down to 4 to 6 for him. It isn’t necessarily the top 4 or 6, but the one’s that fit us best. Some structure problem that most can’t fix, some little green dude that my imagination talks me into thinking that it might be a great one, etc. Then I get to sorting at the last minute before nominations. Then I do like last night and realize that the three wethers I sold on Tuesday are better than anything in Duke’s pen. Which makes me think, that next year, I’ll just stay home and feed what we raise and everybody can go buy their own goats.

Since I now realize, that I once again kept the wrong ones for Duke, I guess we will just have to out work, out feed and out show everybody. Have a good day everybody.

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