

Been a little slow putting great info on here for the past two weeks. For those of you waitng for me to post, I apoligize as there is more to life. However, I realize that the older I get, the more opinionated I get. Good or bad. I actually don’t care what others think. I am fine with being right all of the time. Ha. Some of this stuff might be worth reading. It is better than watching some news channels that are filtered, etc.

Just got done with the Woodward version of the Simply the Best show clinics. Hats off to Chance and Kela. These kids make me proud to have a small part in these clinics. They work wonders with kids and make them want to do better. OUTSTANDING!!

I started the camp with a question. “What is the most important thing about showing livestock?” One hand went up in the air, immediately. I felt like the proverbial teacher in all of the Little Johnny jokes. I really didn’t want to call on that kid. I was afraid that I knew the answer that he would give. Anybody, please some other kid. Nothing from any of the others. Finally, I asked the young person, “What is the most important thing about showing livestock?” The boy looked me dead in the eye and said, ” Making new friends.”

Only a parent can imagine the emotions that ran through me. Duke was the kid and I, as his father, was worried what he would say. I expected the answer to be MONEY, WINNING, ETC. or worse ( I know his genetics). It was not planned that Duke answer the question. But he gave the answer that I was looking for. YES!! I wanted to hug him, but that wouldn’t work. So, I just stood there for a few seconds, swallowed hard, and then agreed. I continued my lesson with the kids. Awesome group of kids. Almost makes me want to be an ag teacher.

I do TRULY believe that meeting people is the best part of showing livestock. I am not against athletics or music or any other competitive event. But stock show people build networks….for life. I DO believe that is the best part. Livestock kids have a work ethic, appreciation for competition and an understanding of luck, nature, politics, medicine, finances, life & death, etc. that cannot be replaced without involvement in a livestock project.

You give a livestock kid, not an adult, six months with the morons that take up oxygen in Washington D.C. and we wouldn’t have many problems in the U.S. All we would need is the good LORD to provide a rain. I better stop for now. If you ever want to know what I think, ask me. Thanks to the kids for being kids. Pray for rain.

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