Disclaimer (I wrote this on Thursday, Jan. 16 but the ice affected the shitty internet, therefore it didn’t post until Friday evening the 17th) Modern technology.
I ran errands in Woodward and then went to a district stock show meeting. It was starting to ice when I went into the meeting and it was a bit worse when I left. But once I got off the highways, the paved side roads were wicked slick. And it is still drizzling and 23 degrees. Sounds like a good combination for no school tomorrow. Of course, I would rather school be in session. Safety first.
Got home and the Dragon Lady had cooked up about 3 gallons of wicked good potato soup.
Then we got a text of picture of some dude that was in the same meeting with the favorite daughter. He might have created a lot of blockbuster movies. And he was holding the puppet that won the internet this past year. I’m not sure who was more excited her (because of her job), me (because of the opportunities that she is realizing and because I love those movies) or mom (because her daughter is pumped about her job and is chasing dreams). The correct answer would be D. All of the above are wicked pumped for all of the combined reasons.
I don’t care what you do in your life, but whatever it is, set goals, have fun and work hard in order to have fun and realize those goals.
Tammy loves her job at High Plains Career Tech. She REALLY loves being a mom. I love a lot about my gig. There are thing$ that I miss about my previous gig. However, I love my tribe. Duke is working on finding his path but I have NO doubt that he will choose wisely.
I sit and think about my goating career. My highlights are not wins at major shows (although I liked them a lot). My highlights include this past August at OSU bid day. I don’t take many pics. But being in a pic with a group of Chi Omega sorority chicks……..a senior (Chesley Comstock), a junior (Halie Schovanec), a sophomore (Lexi Vanderwork) and a freshman (Darcy Peach) ….that allowed me to be a part of their careers. So many wins but I feel every show loss that we endured. However, I can’t wait to see what their futures bring.
Back to it. Have dreams and goals. Listen to good tunes. Associate yourself with good people. And have fun working hard towards those dreams and goals.