

I’m not a very artistic person. Jessica, sister-in-law, is scary creative & artistic. The Dragon Lady has her moments, like when she said “I do”. But these two women have done lots of decorating in the house. Most of which has not cost me money, which I like. All of what they have done looks good. I’ve just been whittling away at getting stuff done. Cleaned parts of the barn. Cut down the final two cedar trees (for now) and drug them off. Now, I need to go buy a lottery ticket as it is my lucky day. I cut two trees, didn’t get wasp bit (saw them and ran like a spotted ass zebra. They’re so fast you’ve never seen one.). Trees are hauled to an ever growing burn pile, waiting for a non-burn ban day to be turned into smoke. I actually enjoyed getting texts this weekend. Got a pic of a Joe Dirt class winner @ KS state fair of Garrett Burden from Medicine Lodge. I would watch out for this young showmen in years to come. He’ll be tough. Got another happy text from a young lady that won her county show this past weekend. I didn’t recognize her # as she usually uses a different # to fire off 22 texts/minute. I was glad to see a pic of Tiffany winning with a Joe Dirt x Ketchup wether. I hope she does well at Tulsa. Thank goodness, Britt Taylor won her county fair, albeit, with a Helms wether. With that winning check & the other 100 fair entries she had,, she should have enough money for a trampoline. We’ve had lots of reports of Joe Dirt, Freak on a Leash, Rainman, Fade2Black and Pocket kids winning shows in numerous states. I like to hear how the kids & kids are doing. Oh, by the way, if you haven’t seen the cinematic classic “Caveman”, then you need to go buy it and watch it. You won’t be any smarter, but that is still a funny movie. I will warn you that Ringo Starr is the lead actor. It is fun seeing all the big names before they became famous.

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