

Didn’t have anything on the schedule Saturday, so we ventured into Fairview. Tammy went to help Jim Rhodes with the concession stand. Kela went to help some kids with showmanship. Duke was just taking up oxygen. And I went to the laundromat to wash blankets. It took a pile of quarters. But the blankets were clean. I then stumbled into the fairgrounds to watch the show.

The doe show was very good. Lots of quality in every class. Doug Tolson judged it. Without handling the goats, I followed his type and kind. Nobody can say he plays favorites as he put Duke dead ass last in a doe class. No it wasn’t Duke’s doe. Rhodes had Duke show it for a kid that had two in the same class. And she did need to be in last. If nothing else, it is good for Duke to see the view from that end of the placing line. Tanner Miller is dragging a really good pair of does.

There weren’t very many numbers in the wether show, but the class winners looked and handled good. It was a pretty excited kid that won the wether show.

Had a crew to the house on Sunday afternoon to work on showmanship and start dialing wethers in for districts and OYE. Having to start thinking about what weight classes and divisions to target wethers.

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