

For those of you that end up visiting this site and reading this crap, I hope that there are a few things that you take away from it.  And maybe the most important thing, is don’t read any further.  You’ve been warned.

1–I really don’t care who I offend.  And as I have often stated on here, if you read this and get upset, you will not like the real life version.  I do know where the letter F resides on this keyboard but out of respect to my mom, mother-in-law and a few others…..well….

2–We here at Kelln Livestock love good kids and families.   We have decades of proving this true.  I could have made a career out of the stock show game.   I have the skills, the knowledge, the work ethic and I truly like the people, the livestock and the fact that I don’t love an effing $ as much as others has kept me from cashing checks.  I’ve got some $h!t to answer to when it comes down to it at the end but I hope that I’ve built up some bonus points.  Maybe not.  I’m probably gonna need some prayers from others.

3–We love good kids and families more than we like winning.  Go back and read #3.

4–We (Mostly ME)LOVE a good time.  Speaking of which, our favorite son is currently home.  So, we might have or might not have shot an AR pistol which may or may not have had a suppressor on it.  Holy crap!!!   That was probably something that sounded like a lot of fun.  Actually the sound was not that impressive.  Wink!

5–I like good music and cool music.  And yes, sometimes there is a difference.  I am currently listening to the Big IZ play “Somewhere over the rainbow” on a ukulele.  Good–in the right mood.  Cool–always.

6–Wicked awesome food is always a plus.  With my eating and lack of formal exercise, I should weigh about 340.  Without working out, I manage to stay under 200.  People, I love a foodie experience.  I will travel to eat somewhere bad ass.  It might be as simple as a pineapple off the coast of Costa Rica, a Chilean sea bass at Pappadeaux’s  (how do you say that..chilEan, ShillAnn, ChillyANN?), an orange in California or a high $ steak somewhere, anywhere, maybe it’s best at home.   And maybe my favorite is a half-ass cajun shrimp bawl on the carport that also has some smoked pork ribs and GOAT bologna.  Ohh!  I have the meat sweats thinking about all that protein.

7–You will occasionally learn something.  And some have learned how to use this blog to reach out and learn more.  And some send so damn many pics and videos that my iPhone 5 can’t handle it and therefore, you get NO reply.  One pic at a time.

8–I like my kids.  Tammy likes them even more.  We both are very proud of our kids.  Both kids have pissed us off at times.  As I have them.  But I/we won’t trade.  Our kids are different yet so alike.  The previous fact is the common tie between my parents and I.  We also are very proud of the kids that we have dealt with the past several decades.  Thank you to the families that have crossed our paths.

9–When this stupid blog started, I was selling John Deere equipment.  Then managing a dealership.  All while raising goats and kids.  Winning banners was a priority.  Then, I quit a really good job to chase livestock. Then, my dumbass fell on my sword and went back to teaching ag.  I had a kid in the mix, nobody else wanted the job, there was actually a pile of really good kids in the mix, it doesn’t pay like the previous gig and I am a dumb ass!!  Barclay Holt thanks me.   However, the week before I actually took the job, who knew that a family was going to force me to draw that ETHICS line.  I didn’t see it coming.  Should have.  And now, I will thank them.  I now understand the value of a trophy, a win, whatever.   I’m glad that they got their deal and I am real happy with my spot in life.  A book, you say….. yeah I could write a book. You bet.  And it wouldn’t be like this fake TX hog-showing crap that they are trying to push.

10–I agreed to teach at Shattuck for ONE year.  That was July 2014.  I served that year.  Then, I agreed to train a second teacher.  Well, that one didn’t want to show up to work on a regular basis.  So, then Tammy & I  agreed to a third year to keep it going in the right direction.  Then, we had a student teacher, who is now the co-teacher.  And I am still debating the question……how much longer?   I didn’t plan on this long.  How do you step away?


I can answer that last question.  It’s easy when it’s livestock.  Sell!  Sell! Sell!  Get in a better mood.

Now, when it’s a career that you are good at, there are kids involved, friends, relatives, the school administration hasn’t pissed me off, damn—my head is spinning.  Oh hell… Meat Loaf is playing…..I’d do anything but…..


People, I’m real close to a personal goal that when I set it, I thought it was un-achievable.  And just for the record, “Copperhead Road” is playing.

Horseshoes & Shamrocks to all of you.  And I truly hope that tomorrow is better than today.

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