

Aahh!!! The joys of raising goats. I had a pair of does that were due this week, among others. Both were top notch genetics and both were physical specimens. Both were two years old. Of course, I was counting on getting some great ones out of this pair. Possibly buck prospects or at least champion wethers. The first had kidded last August and raised a really nice doe kid. No problems, great milker. Very good first time mother. The second had aborted twice. We finally got her to full term.

The first had a large buck kid on her own on Tuesday. Buck kid born dead. This kid probably would have been fine if one of us had been home to help. The only saving grace was that she allowed us to graft a different kid on to her. The second doe had a foot peaking out when I got home last night. He was rather large. Lets just say that there were calf pulling chains involved and a lot of cussing. This was the hardest pull on a goat that I have ever had. Large kid and she hadn’t dialated as needed. Of course, it too was a buck kid and obviously dead. This one weighed 14 pounds. I’ve never weighed a newborn before–dead or alive. I half expected the doe to die, but nope, she was up on her feet within about 15 minutes. Cleaned up afterbirth and looking for a kid.

Typical of my experiences dealing with does, it hardly ever turns out like I plan it. Breed em right, feed em right, take care of them. Get them to the point that it is their turn to do their job (which is have live kids) and….nothing. The first doe will definitely get another chance. The second one, I’m going to have to think about it.

We have had a larger than normal set of kids this year. I’m sure part of it is genetics, although we didn’t have much trouble last year. I think the other part is nutrition. I have had to feed alfalfa to all of the does ever since October of 2010. All through last summer until the past month. They may have gotten too much protein and the kids are just bigger. However, the good mothers have still raised live kids.

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