Anybody that knows me quickly realizes that my life is a book best written with musical notes. I can read music but I can’t write it. No matter what, when or where, I know a good tune as soon as I hear it. Pop, rock, country,rap… whatever the genre, I like good tunes.
My life calendar is made up of wicked tunes and when I hear those songs today, I am immediately taken back to that time in my life.
“Rock you like a hurricane” by the Scorpions. Monkey wrench song that reminds me of the night that I finally realized that it was time to get married.
“Amarillo by Morning” always brings me back to a funeral of a good dude back in 1993. He loved that song. I still do.
“Thunderstruck” by AC/DC will forever more take me to a happy place that involves OYE. But, as much as I like that song, it does not define OYE grand drives for me. I’ve had the honor of heading down the ramp numerous times, each time with a different song playing in my ear. In 2012, it was Sinatra’s “My Way”.
In 2013, well, things were good, but not good enough. I know what I was listening to when the judge gave his reasons for div. 3 champ. Then he picked the other one. What? Wait? The placings did not fit the reasons. Oh well. At least the champ went on to be grand and was sired by one of my bucks. That res. div. 3 was probably the best goat that we have ever shown. Of all of the shows that I have been a part of, that one is the only one that I watch the video of the grand drive and think “WTF??!!” I don’t listen to that song no more. When we headed down the ramp that night, we had 4 of the 8 in the grand drive. Halie Schovanec ended up reserve grand. Good show…should have been better. That song from the division drive has been erased from my bank. Done.
Now, I try to listen to current music. I like it. Some of it I really like. But none of it hits me right in the tuning forks to remind me of times and places. I like the Zac Brown band, Cody Jinks, Chris Stapleton and Luke Combs. Good music that I would like to see live. But, none of them have that song that reminds me of a time and place. Which is why AC/DC, Def Leppard, Metallica, GnR, CCR, George, Cash, Skynyrd, Waylon, Garth & Elvis are still so popular with today’s youth. They all have songs that move you.
To wrap it up. I don’t have an ending to this deal. I’m still kind of pissed about 2013 OYE and I like great tunes. That’s all I’ve got. I deleted a line or three before I hit publish. At least I’m honest about it.
Oh, there are other shows that still burn my ass. “Hands up and back away from the keyboard! Do as I say. NOW!!!”