
Tulsa survivor

Kind of.    My bad hoof flared up again.  Don’t know what caused it but it hurt like holy hell!  A stock show is not a good place to have to limp–for animals or humans.  The doctors wouldn’t prescribe any steroid pills over the phone.  But, it is a good thing that I was in the sheep barn.  You can always find drugs in that barn.  (probably true for any barn at this point)

I did not watch one class of goats being shown.  That was just too far to walk.  But, I listened to every set of reasons and before all of the division champions had been selected, I told people that Addie Schneberger was going to be grand and the div. 4 champ was getting the reserve grand slot.  He talked those two goats a bit different than the others.  Well, there was a third goat that was talked that way.  Tolson’s goat in div. 3 but that one ended up being a reserve division.

Speaking of the division 4 champ.  I’m pretty sure that somebody wrote on a blog this summer that the Kester’s were putting good animals together and to watch for goats coming from them.  They came out hard this fall, winning lots of county and district fairs.  Then they had 3 wethers make the Tulsa premium sale including the reserve grand.  Congrats to Tom & Kerensa and their crew.  Especially to Kaylee Rolph and her family.  I’ve enjoyed getting to know them.  Her Fargo sired wether was 3rd overall in Division 6.

And while at Tulsa, we finally got a little rain shower.  We only got 4.2″ on Thursday.

And yes, there are several topics in my email folder that I am looking forward to reading.  Have a good one and a better tomorrow.

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