
Thoughts—important thoughts

      I sit here pondering some important thoughts.  No!  I’m not sitting on the porcelain throne.  Yet, I do agree that some of the best thinking happens while on the throne.  

        It is the time of year when OK & TX are having their local and county shows.  My first thought–“Why in the hell is there even a thing such as a local stock show?”   Seriously–There is no merit to having a local stock show.  Does the football team have a local football game?  Yes.  They call it practice.  But if you have a local stock show, somebody gets pissed.  

BIG disclaimer.  Shattuck does NOT have a local stock show.  And when they want to start having one, they can get a new ag teacher.  And they need to remember the fact that nobody wanted this job back in 2014.  So, back to the thought…..local stock shows should be illegal.  This is not a matter of Kelln opinion.  This is FACT!

        There are other important items on my mind. 

I like chili.  Personally, I think that chili has to have beans in it.  Some don’t agree.  They would be wrong.  I also think that chili needs to have some kick to it.  I like eating chili straight out of the pan, while still on the stove, using nothing but a cracker as a dipping utensil.  I want to sweat a little bit while eating chili.  

      I also like using chili as a condiment.  It works so well to top other food items with chili.  Baked tater?  Sure, put a dollop of chili on that spud.  Burger with chili?  Not always but it works.  

My question–What is the best concoction of which chili is a must have?

      To me, this class quickly sorts to a top pair.  Although this pair is close, I do feel that there are some differences.  Lets take a look at this pair.  

The chili dog–for starters, chili is in the name.  It’s just another hot dog until you put a ladle of chili down the spine of that dog while resting on that bun.  I like hot dogs.  I LOVE chili dogs.  Take a bun, lay some Best Maid hamburger slices down the inner cavity of the bun and then rest the dog carcass in the bun.  Now, spread some chili from nose to tail of that dog, lather it with mustard, sprinkle some cheese and then make a mess eating that thing.  Between the mustard and the chili, you better have a towel handy.  

Next is the the Frito pie.  I like Fritos.  Take a bowl, drop a handful of ribbon shaped corn chips in the bottom.  Then a scoop of chili, then more Fritos, then some more chili.  Basically, make a lasagna with Fritos and chili as the layers.  Then hit it with some Tabasco and then some cheese.  I normally eat too much when it comes to a frito chili pie.  

       Here’s the kicker.  If you order a dog, or a hot dog.  You may get asked if you want chili.  But if you order a chili dog, you dang sure get chili on it.  If you order a Frito pie, it automatically comes with chili just the same as if you ordered a Frito chili pie.  

      We will cut this pair 1 point.  It’s close.  The best thing about chili is that it takes several weeks to go bad.  In that amount of time, one can make bowls of chili, Frito chili pies and chili dogs.  

Maybe I’ve written about it on here before…if so…so what?   Go look up the audio of Ron White talking about chili in Cincinnati.  In short… a Mexican with a goat and an onion.   And not having a goat on his way home.  


       On a side note, I recently had some young kids with me at the ag building.  This pair of twins are REALLY picky eaters.  They don’t like hot dogs.  Like if they eat a corn dog, they eat the breading and leave the wiener on the stick.  Anyways, their mom brought them lunch to the ag building.  Cool!  Footlong chili cheese coneys from Sonic.  I looked at these coneys and thought, “Something don’t look right.”  And that is when I realized that there was no footlong in the bun.  It was just a long bun with chili and mustard.  WTH?  

      So, I asked, “You meatheads are eating female chili dogs?”   

They asked, “Why do you call them that?”  

“Cuz they ain’t got a weiner!”


Peace out!!  Have fun at your local stock show.  We will hold the most laid back county stock show in the nation on Monday.  We don’t care who wins as long is it is good stock, shown properly and we get done in a timely fashion.  

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