Duke made it through his first speech contest. He said it fine, but he can’t get loud enough to win yet. His voice will change. Really good competition. I’m pleased with his presentation. We’ve got a lot to work on in the future, but he isn’t afraid to get in
It is going to be a Monday all day long. However, this one has a new deal with it. This evening will be Duke’s first entry into a public speaking contest. The AFR district speech is tonight. Of course, I like to win, but this will be a different experience.
The Pokes run came to an end last night. I’m disappointed, but life will go on. A win Dec. 3 will make up for a loss to Iowa State. To be honest, that was such a crappy game to watch, I fell asleep in the fourth quarter. I’m gettting old.
Little bit colder this morning than it has been. Does due in December are starting to bag, does for April are getting marked and the others are waiting their turn. Had to break some ice. Duke had to water wethers this morning. Very important to make sure animals get several
standing in the barn, talking on the phone last night, when a critter came walking along next to the wall. It was literally two feet from me. I thought it was one of Duke’s cats, but I looked down at it and saw the bald tail. It was WHITE. I
This is one part of showing wethers that I think most people struggle with. Some just want to feed the freshness into their goats, but then they get them too fat. Some think that you drench with electrolytes every two hours, no matter what. Out goats are normally very fresh
Got home from our little trip to the Lone Star Elite Jackpot in San Angelo. Not a show that was just down the road for us, but well worth the trip. We went to see what it was like and after attending I have a question. Why in the heck
Veteran’s Day. It is a great country that we live in, that was made great by the protection of our armed forces. Thanks to all the men and women that have served or are serving in the armed forces. I’ve got a guy at work that goes by Doc. He
I had planned on sowing some wheat, rye or triticale for some winter grazing for the doe herd, but I never found time to do that. Now it is wet and getting a little late, so I think that I will wait and drill some oats in late Jan. The
I should have watched some of my movies last night instead of that damn online doe sale. How bout that? It is after nominations are due, so it isn’t like those doe kids can be shown at a major show this spring and they still averaged $1,500. I had planned