
Thoughts from Kelln

Should a wether be discounted if it is parrot mouthed? This is a common question. The answer is NO. Why not? 1–Because it is a wether, it has been removed from the gene pool. A wether isn’t going to make any more parrot mouth goats. 2–It is a myth that
Didn’t get much done with goats on Sunday. Basically, they recieved feed & water. We had other priorities on this day. Duke wanted to see a wrestling match, so we headed to Stillwater to watch the Pokes kick the crap out of Iowa State. It wasn’t close. Met Kela and
This addiction that we have called stock showing takes money. Every town or county raises money to support the kids with their projects. Trophy auctions are popular in this part of the world. Operating a Deere dealership means that we get hit up from every school in the area. It
For the sake of the OK ag teachers, I’m glad to hear that there is an extension on the due date for the Final All Day Report. I never understood the name of this report nor did I ever understand why they required this waste of time and effort. Speaking
Isn’t it amazing how the stock show competition has changed. When I was showing, my dad and I bought our animals on a very limited budget. We did our clipping and feed management. Almost all of the animals were bought within a 150 mile radius of Shattuck, OK. We made
We should have held a jackpot here at our little piece of paradise this weekend. Lots of traffic at the barn this weekend. Goats and kids from around NW OK showed up. We trimmed hooves, handled condition, worked on showmanship, weighing, discussing feed programs and additives, worked leg hair, etc.
I’ve been looking for this Friday for awhile. I can stay home tomorrow. The weather is good. Duke and I might have to try out a coyote call and maybe a new gun or two. Wethers are going to get worked hard. Hooves, leg hair, weigh, showmanship, etc. Does and
I enjoy judging livestock shows, but as a breeder, it makes it hard for me to be able to accept judging jobs in Oklahoma. I help too many people and the fact that kids have goats from me makes it unfair to me and them if I judge. Even though,
It has slowed down at work, which is always the case for January. It takes a while in the morning and a while in the evening to get chores done in the barn. It is a little different this year, as the weather has been warmer. But we have to
Duke had an ecounter with a doe saturday evening. We had turned does and babies out into the corral to enjoy a sunny afternoon. We were putting them back into their pens when B17 decided to turn around and head back out. Duke tried to “Ole!” as she ran by

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