Attended several sales this past weekend. If you are in Oklahoma and wanting to spend $1,000 or less on a wether, don’t even bother going south of the Red River. High, high, high. Saw a few pieces at Bob Allen’s sale on Friday night, but the decent one brought 2-3000
Showing animals is a unique endeavor. Kids are involved. It revolves around family. Some would argue and say it revolves around money, but I disagree. The money aspect is there, front and center; but it is about the kids and family. Some will spend more money to try to get
Lots of people are barn blind on their buck kids this year. They sit at home and look at their goats and the goats seem to get better the longer they think about it. The good bucks bring a pile of money. The common ones are hard to get rid
Another sale complete. This one was interesting as the goats were not at my house for a change. Everybody waits until the last hour before these things close to start bidding. About 3 pm yesterday, I got a text saying “Does anybody know about this sale?” By 9 pm last
Slept all the way till 2 am this morning. No Law & Order, so the only thing somewhat worth watching was the turtleman. I watched 4 episodes of “live action” this morning. How do they make a tv series about that? Duke had showed me a youtube piece of the
The number for the day is 4. Because we had 4 sets of kids today, sired by 4 different bucks. K22 (1st time Joe Dirt daughter) had a pair of Freak On A Leash doe kids. K31 (1st time Joe Dirt daughter) had a buck and doe sired by Joe
This goat game can be rather frustrating. The management required to raise good goats is staggering. The money to buy good goats is getting unreal. I don’t like working with common animals, which is why if a given doe doesn’t produce good ones, she will find her ass on a
What a crappy morning. I slept from 9:30 last night to 5 am. this morning. That is unusual for me. No law & order, no sportscenter, just sleep. Made it to the barn to do chores and sure enough things went sideways. Had a doe that we were watching. She
Busy weekend around our place. Got home from the store Saturday afternoon and went to work with the goats. My scholarly-deficient son had cleaned goat turds out of all othe corral pens. Maybe he’ll learn to turn in homework next year in school. I then let him shear a set