
Thoughts from Kelln

Spending money…owww! Moving…costs money….double owww!!! Wasps… Holy jeeminy owww!!!!! None of this hurts as bad as the Dragon Lady sneaking up and slapping cold bacon on a wasp sting! I literally went blind, went to my knees, cussed & prayed… All in about 10 seconds. And I like bacon, but
     Made a few miles this past weekend, saw several different sets of goats, including my own in the daylight for a change.  I have a spring in my step as my set and Tyke’s set are the best wethers I have seen in the past month or so.  Schoovy
     The posts for the wether pen are in.  I tried driving them in with the loader on a tractor.  It picked the tractor off the ground.  So, I paid the fence builders to bring their skid steer with a post driver on it to put them in the ground. 
Damn hot! Got the wether barn moved today. Tried to build the pens, but I keep bending posts, and I’m driving them by hand. Tried pushing them in with the loader. Bent the heck out of two and gave up. Regroup tomorrow. The only people making any money during this
I despise painting, staining, home repairs, etc. Therefore, I have kept busy outside trying to do things to improve our newest purchase. Tammy, my Uncle Jim, and various other friends and family have painted, stained, etc inside the house. I write the checks, do any heavy lifting that is required
A common question is: How do I get my goat to have a bigger top? The first answer is genetics. There is a fairly limited genetic base that handles with a square rack and a wide loin. A purebred wether will probably not ever have the type of top shape
I’ve had a lot of calls the past two weeks about goats not pounding feed or going to creep like a person wants. It hasn’t mattered what brand of feed they were feeding. A lot of it has to do with the weather. When it is hot, sometimes they just
in Oklahoma, but I’m not sure that is a good thing. I need to go to work for a little while. The process of moving looms ever larger. School is just around the corner. If you’ve never floated the Comal river, then you are missing out on a little piece
Awesome!! I’ve been here before but it is awesome. The Comal river is a little piece of paradise and it is in the Guinness book of records as the worlds shortest river. But it might be the best. We floated it twice today. We did stop at Coopers in Llano.
I normally don’t like to go on vacation. You have to find somebody to do chores. You have to make sure stuff is done at work. What happens if something goes wrong? What if an animal gets sick? It is just easier to stay home and do the work yourself.

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