Two blog posts, back-to-back. Nobody reads this blog to hear about me being happy that it snowed. Nope, they read it to learn. I like music. My mom studies music. She plays the piano/organ at mass EVERY Sunday. I mean EVERY time she is needed. But she
First of all, I would like to acknowledge to a higher power that a lot of prayers for moisture have been answered. It has been a perfect snow–wet, no wind, plentiful and not butt-ass cold. It’s warm enough-30 degrees- that Duke and I had trouble sledding and all
I saw this in an email, thought I would pass it on. Common sense–something that seems to be lacking in Washington D.C. “With all the uproar over gun control, you might want to consider this.Brilliant way to put it. But because of the common sense aspect of it, no one
We made it to the Fists of Fury cage fights on Saturday night. WOW!! I was over-dressed for this event because I had a collar on my shirt. Huge crowd. But a large majority had tattoos, piercings, shaved heads, mohawks, etc. Foxworthy would have a field day at
I hope that there is a chance of rain in your forecast wherever you are. I wouldn’t mind a good wet snow, but I don’t think I want any part of that blizzard that is going on in New England. That deal looks brutal I’m off
I made it into the house just before halftime of the super bowl, which means that I saw most of the highlights. I saw the blackout, Beyonce, the good part of the game and some of the commercials. I missed most of the Bud Light commericals, but I
I’ve been reading a post on this evening. Now, I”m trying to decide if being “abrasive” is a positive or a negative. I’ve decide that abrasive is a positive. Let’s take a look. The abrasion caused by glaciers slowly moving made most of North America’s
One in the same. And the good sires cost a lot of bucks. I’ve been giving a lot of thought as to what to do with all of these smelly beasts that we have. We have decided to sell semen on the Valentine’s Day Sweetheart semen sale on
Everybody has preferences. Blondes or brunettes. Tall or short. Athletic build or not so much. Top heavy or not. I don’t know why it is hard for some people to understand why you would want to know who is judging a show. I want to know who is
The Dragon Lady and I ventured to OKC on Thursday night. We attended the Sirloin Club banquet & auction. The new regime at the OYE had reached out for more support from the goat sector. In turn, the goats will gain more support in the show and premium