Last week, I had the joy of reading diary entries from one of my mother’s uncles. I normally don’t get into sentimental kind of stuff and I really didn’t want to read it at the time, but like a good book, once I started, I had to finish
In today’s society, if a person is not doing their job properly or they have a problem attending work, you can’t just fire them. The burden is on the employer to prove that they were a worthless employee and needed firing. Documentation is the key word. You give
We got almost an inch of rain last night. That is a good thing. But when you raise goats, guess what, something will have the shits today. It rains–a goat shits itself. It is just a matter of fact. We photoed, clipped, and wormed a pile
Regardless of species, structure should be a priority when sorting livestock. Structural correctness, adequate bone, etc. Some genetics/farms, you know that they may or may not have enough bone. Other genetics have hind wheel issues, while others need to be leveler hipped or better in their chest floor.
Braden and I headed out on an adventure Wednesday afternoon. We ended up buying wethers and a doe kid. It’s a good thing we took a trailer. We then stopped and looked at buck kids that are selling next week. Yes, I’ve seen them several times, but I
Upon further reflection, a 20 or 30 thousand dollar wether may be cheaper than trying to raise good goats. High priced bucks, destructive does, expensive hay & feed, limping babies, bad mothers, sore mouth, etc, etc. Just go find the one or two that you
Good morning and have a nice day.
I stayed home this weekend. I didn’t go to any other goat farms and I didn’t go to any sales down south. I stayed home and saved my $s. I actually collected money instead of spending it. The reports from the Texas sales were that
As all of you loyal readers are well aware, we moved last year. Moving the goats was a big undertaking as there were miles of fence and panels that had to be put up in order to contain/protect these beasts. I like to have things done right. No
When traveling, looking for the next great goat, we stop at a lot of quick stops. Gas is usually the driving force as to when we stop. In Texas, when you stop at a quick stop, the odds are high that it will be at an Allsups. They