
Thoughts from Kelln

     One of the most unenjoyable livestock management practices is the burning of horns.  It isn’t fun, it is a pain in the ass and it doesn’t always work.  There are times when I just know that I screwed one up and the head stays smooth and never has
     It is a beautiful Monday morning here in paradise.  No wind.  We got a 1/2″ of rain last night & this morning.  Duke has a new puppy.  Kela is in California.  The goats are fed.  And with the rain, I would imagine that I will have to use
      I don’t have any problems that I can blame on anybody else.  My problem’s are my own.  I can’t blame my parents as they did their job.  All they did was raise three boys on a way-limited budget & all three boys managed to find their way
     No, they aren’t made out of turtles.  They are pancakes made to look like a turtle.  One big dollop of batter to make the body/shell, 4 feet, a head and a tail.  They look like turtles.  My Grandma Schneider always made us turtle pancakes.        Anytime
If you have been doctoring a goat for the runs and you have used the same medicine for 3 days in a row with no improvement, then you better do something different.  Get a stool sample to the vet and see if you are dealing with worms, coccidi, some sort
     The Dragon Lady and I took a gator ride tonight, looking for firefllies.  I have always enjoyed watching fireflies and I especially like it when they hit the windshield.  Some parts glow for awhile.  A mile south of our little piece of paradise, we found a whole pile
     Saturday was typical at the store.  Hardly any activity until about 10:30 then people stacked in there until about 12:30.  That afternoon, Duke and I decided to worm, vaccinate and band a set of 5-6 weeks old.  I know that some like to band at 4 weeks and
that’s good about the show goat industry.        I spent my 4th of July holiday driving to look at goats.  The rest of the family was tied up w/ a fundraising deal, so I went with part of my other family to look at goats.  Big Bill, Tyke,
     Just about every goat farm that I have visited, there have been goats with the shits.  I am sure that it has been spread by moving goats from farm to farm as well as people tracking it from farm to farm.  I’ve tried several medications this summer.  Some
     Those people that I live with have returned home from their extended vacation/contest trip to Orlando.  The highlight was that the legos which were ordered by Duke at the huge lego factory store also arrived today.  Another week or so and Kela heads to LA.  Big fun at