
Thoughts, Endings, Beginnings, WTH??

I have a lot of thoughts about the livestock industry and the show stock industry in particular.  Not now.  My mind isn’t right to hit publish on these thoughts.  These thoughts are best discussed sitting on a bucket, leaning on a fence or walking/talking stock.

I have survived another Woodward District Jr. Livestock Show.  We did not have the most animals in the premium sale (we did well, but…), we dominated the ag mechanics shows and we had the most scholarship winners.  Shattuck kids sold well at the premium sale–all 4 species.  I’m proud of our kids.  I’m wore out but am  DAMN proud to have had a part with the group that we had showing.  We are graduating a great class but I really like the young crew that is coming up.

I don’t know how much longer that I can fight this livestock game.  It is a young person’s game and I am now a high mileage unit that hasn’t had regular maintenance and care.  I try to have kid’s successful in all species.  And yes, I can still clip a calf.  I am humble enough to now let the jocks have at it, but still confident enough to grab MY set of clippers and fix THEIR skips.

It isn’t that I am that good at any of this game.  I’m not.  It’s just that I had a good upbringing with parents that weren’t afraid to let their kids find their own path.  I was taught right, wrong and learn how to fix your screw ups.  I was then and am still held responsible for my actions.  And trust me, my mouth and this blog has caused me issues.  So, I own it and go on.

I don’t celebrate many birthdays or anniversaries.  But, I recently passed another decade plus deal that does nothing but remind me of how bad it can be and how good it can be.  I can be a bastard to deal with but I know that it was a bunch of strong willed women that helped keep me in line.  Tammy, Kela, Mindi Clark, my MOM and my mother-in-law.  Thank you ladies!!!

Hogs clipped, sheep sheared, wether goats dialed in, does & cattle clipped & fitted.

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