Anybody that knows me, would quickly realize that I don’t give 2 squirts of goose crap as to who wins the super bowl. However, I like to watch the commercials and the half time entertainment.
My review. I loved the commercial with Sam Elliott and the mustache move. I do NOT like that he lost the “dance” off. Shitty commercial. I can’t even tell you what the ad was for but I know that Sam Elliott was on the screen.
At some point in the 4th quarter, it was 20-10. I told Tyke and the ladies that the Chiefs would win. They did. In the mean time, I got worn out playing games with the twins. Mahomes may have thrown a strike or two, I’m not sure. I can tell you that Launa was throwing some wicked heat in whatever game we were playing. I exerted more athletic skills trying to protect myself from her wicked throws. I won, yet she would not concede. That chick is wicked competitive.
Yes, I watched the halftime show. Shakira won that dance off. She shook it well but kept it classy. The other deal, yeah, I watched it butI think that all viewers were waiting on a wardrobe malfunction. Shakira looked real and just sang and shook it. It worked well. Real well.
Most fun that I have had for a super bowl in decades. I’m out of breath but happy that the twins had me hooked up in games.
Have a good one and a better tomorrow.
Wait, what? Sam Elliott lost the dance off. Somebody needs fired.