

I don’t normally spend much time on book face.  I check it while on the dumper of a morning.  (Seems appropriate) and then maybe again of an evening.   I check text messages on occasion.  Messenger–no alert, so only as I think about it.  It is possible to say that I am kind of socially distanced.

Yet, in the last 24 hours, I have answered questions via messenger.  Responded to some book face stuff.  Actually held an intelligent phone conversation or two.  AND I instigated and then continued a long text conversation.  The other person didn’t know who it was texting her and then she got mouthy, yet she was simultaneously texting the Dragon Lady trying to figure out who it was texting her, but I had even sent proof of who it was….but…..  For the Waynokans that read this crap.  Mary held true to form and I will gladly let you read this text exchange. It was way fun!


I’m stupid for a lot of reasons.  I’m stupid for doing stuff for free.  I’m stupid enough to still roll the dice on this goat deal.  I’m stupid…. well….I don’t want to type that much.  No matter, I’m not as stupid as some of these dumb asses that you people keep electing.

Term limits.  Term limits.  Term limits.


However, as dumb as I yet may be, I still remember the Vanessa Angel scene from the movie “Spies Like Us”.  Happy thoughts for a child of the 80s.

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