Baseball is finally over. I’m not sure what Tammy will do with her time now. That chick likes to watch post-season baseball.
I think that it ought to be a law for every auto deal/tire shop to make dang sure that the tire sensors are programmed properly.
Those two days of fall were nice. Winter hit and hit hard. That almost foot of snow that we got last week was probably the wettest snow that I have ever seen. And now, lots of ice had to be broken this morning. 18 degrees this fine morning.
Shattuck FFA members left on tuesday to compete at the National FFA Convention. I’m glad that I am not on that trip. Somebody needed to stay home to keep kids on task. Plus, I don’t have a chore hand living at home to take care of stock. The kids were sending pics of their meal at St. Elmo’s steakhouse in Indy. I do miss eating there.
Stay warm. Keep the critters well fed and watered. Have a good one.