I have noticed that there are way more responses to any posts that I make which are somewhat negative or argumentative. I guess this would go along with today’s news media. If there isn’t some “shock” value, nobody cares. I’ve even had texts and phone calls after a couple of days of “calm” posts asking for the sour Kelln that is pissed at somebody.
Well, today isn’t your day. I had a phone call from some of my favorite Americans’. I’m not sure if they are great, yet. But they are dang sure on my favorites list. Rusty and Marla Thomas in Fairview, OK. If you have met them, you have already chuckled or said “Oh, S#t!” To give you a short history lesson, they had a daughter named Makeitha that showed wethers for me. She won the OK state fair in ’06, had a div. champ at Tulsa, had a div. champ at Enid with a Slater goat, won some jackpots and I never had over $250 to spend on her goats. Marla is cajun and can COOK!!! Rusty is redneck and can “Get Bent!” with the best of ’em. These people will do anything to help anybody. They don’t have a lot of money, but they will help anybody, anywhere. Young or old. Anything that they have is yours, if you need it. And you don’t have to ask. Like myself, all they know is how to work hard and play hard. But they do it well.
I took Rusty with me one summer on a Texas tour. He is better at fetching than a well trained dog. But he can get a little bit sideways. Thompson, Allen Miller, Poe and Staats are still telling stories about Rusty. Fred and Gosney can tell even more stories about him and his younger brother “Slick”. Lex Lehmberg still asks why I don’t bring that guy anymore. Anyways, Rusty just got home from striper fishing this afternoon so he is in a REAL good mood. Duke and Hunter went trick or treating at their house. They gave the whole bag of candy to Hunter and Duke. Typical. Rusty is very good at giving candy to Duke and getting him plum wound up.
Marla can do a shrimp boil–said “bawoill” better than anybody in OK. Rusty has taught me terms like Wing Ding, French Hobbler, Brown Nose Pups and Maytag. The latter term might be my favorite. On the previous mentioned Texas trip, Rusty kept referring to somebody as “Maytag”.
Allen Miller finally took the bait, and asked, “Who the heck is Maytag?”
Rusty responded, “Marla”.
Allen asked, “Why do you call your wife Maytag?”
To which, Rusty replied “Because she is an agitating sum-bitch!” Allen still has mental scars from that trip. Not all Rusty’s fault.
I’ve had Rusty and Marla cook at the house, the lake and at Shattuck. I would bet that you will see them at future goat events in NW Oklahoma. If I say that we are eating cajun, you better come running, as it will be good and it will be a LARGE time.