
Special K feed

Special K feed is a recipe developed by me and ESP feeds especially for show goats. I was not finding what I wanted in other feed brands. I was constantly having to mix other additives in order to get the desired results. Why does a hog feed company make goat feed for me? Because they understood that I wanted consistency in feed stuffs and that I didn’t want to spend a fortune advertising the feed therefore causing the price to be over $20 a bag. This is also why the feed comes in a plain white bag with an orange label. Straight forward, simple, cheap yet very effective.

It is an alfalfa/corn/soybean meal based feed. It does have ammonia chloride in it and a proper Calcium/phopshorous balance to help prevent kidney stones. With all feeds, I still recommend keeping apple cider vinegar in their water for stone prevention. It is over 16% protein and 4% fat. With the higher fat content, there has to be an exercise program in place, unless you are creep feeding and wanting to bloom goats.

Anybody that knows me has heard me say “It’s not what you feed, but how you feed it as long as you use a quality feed.” I still believe this. But lets look at the result for one year.

–Grand & Reserve grand wethers at State Fair of OK

–Grand wether Tulsa–several other division & res. division champs

–Champ middle division doe Tulsa

–Grand wether Lone Star Elite

–Grand doe, res grand & bronze wether Champions Choice Jackpot

–Res. grand wether Phoenix

–Grand, Reserve, Bronze wethers at Enid–eight of the 18 premium sale wethers

–Reserve grand wether Woodward–over half of the premium sale wethers

–Grand wether OYE, Bronze wether & several other res. divisions, class winners & premium sale wethers


That’s an impressive list for one year. It ain’t bragging if you can back it up. ESP is making the feed how I want it and the feed is doing its part for the goats.

The feed is designed to be fed while using an exercise program. When fed properly, goats will handle with a fresher handle. We don’t use track dogs on our goats, but they are ran on a regular routine. A wide variety of judges have consistently stated that these goats handle fresher and with more shape. We haven’t been beat because of a lack of muscle. We do add Oxy-Gen vindicator to the Special K. I have used very few other additives this past year.

If you are interested in feeding Special K, contact me or go to the ESP link on and call Troy Baumgardner. I keep feed here at the barn. Tyke gets a ton at a time. Kids from Ellis county buy a bag or two at time from Tyke.

Obviosuly, it is easier to get feeding help from me if you are feeding Special K.


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