In the stock show world, $ signs move the dial more than any single item. More than banners, more than reputation…..$ signs. Did you hear? What did the sale average? Who bought that?
As a breeder, I have sold more than my share of $5,000+ wethers. I don’t remember being in a good mood on any of those. Why? As a buyer, I have bought too many $5,000+ wethers. I don’t remember being in a good mood on any of those. At that price point, there should be some kind of guarantee. But, no.
On the other hand, when you sell a $500 wether, fine. No stress. If that goat wins a class, a county, makes a sale….GREAT!! As a breeder, that $1,500 goat is the happy medium. That doe was profitable that year. Nobody is hurt too bad at $,1500 if that goat doesn’t win the big show. Everybody involved has a chance to coming out on top.
But, then there are times, when you sell one for $500 or less, and it empties a pen which makes a seller happy, makes a buyer happy, a kid was able to hit their price point and ooohhhh snap!! It’s all good.
I am done selling wethers in 2020. I did not sell a Kelln born wether online or in a live sale this year. I took ZERO pics. I paid no commission selling wethers this year. I sold wethers from $300 to $3,500. It wasn’t a great year of selling goats, just a satisfying year. Even though, there was a couple of times that I priced a wether at $300, then handled him and realized that I had just screwed up. OK. That will be a repeat buyer.
Sellling doe kids,on the other hand….ooohhh! I need to find a buyer that just takes ALL of them at weaning time for a set price and remove me from the equation.
Peace out! Have a good one today and a better one tomorrow.