

      Been burning up the road a bit here the past week or so.  That means lots of radio time.  One of the radio stations had an ad about some cat website.  They offered up the fact that “more than 1/2 of all cats in the U.S. never see a vet.”  They acted like this was an alarmingly high #.  I was like “Seriously, I would never take a cat to the vet.”   Of course, I have never paid money for a cat and I don’t want a pet cat either. 

      Now, I personally think all farmsteads should have a cat or 3.   Around here, we prescribe to the cat management program of “We’ve got a badass barn cat that we sometimes see and unless I found him dead, I wouldn’t know that he was dead.  And as long as I don’t have a mouse or rat problem, I’m not looking for a new cat.”  And when we need a new cat, we will either get a free set from friends or I will get on tradio and find some “free to a good home” kind of deal.  

        However, if I raised $30K cats.  I would take a cat to a vet.  A feline vet specialist to be exact.  

       Today, while driving back to OKC for the State Fair livestock judging contest, I had the opportunity to listen to the morning show on the KATT rock 100.5 with Rick & Brad.  I reluctantly changed the channel when the Rick & Brad Theatre was getting ready to air.  Young ears.  But, we did listen to a news report that aired on KFOR channel 4 last night about some lady that grabbed a bag of pizza rolls in the freezer section and realized that it had “BLEEEP” on it.  Somebody “BLEEPING BLEEEPED” on that bag of pizza rolls.  Excuse my language but somebody had “BLEEEPED” on the pizza rolls!”   Seriously!?!?  Look it up.  It’s seriously a real deal.  

Disturbing discovery in an Oklahoma grocery store freezer left one woman disgusted and nearly in tears.  

     What kind of drug makes some dude hunker down in the frozen food section and drop tootsie rolls on the pizza rolls?  Seriously!  After watching security tape, they have arrested a dude.  This needs to be labeled as a violent crime.  I seriously feel for the lady.  

      I can deal with feces from most animals.  For the most part, dealing with goat crap is not that bad of a deal.  Unlike poo from the porcine species.  Human excrement is seriously something that I don’t want no part of.  I’ll wipe my own rear and I’m done. 

This brings up the question– what is the worst type of poo to deal with?


Come on.  

Cat crap!!!!   I’m serious.  It’s so nasty, the good LORD taught that animal to cover it up.  

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