Oklahomashowgoats.com released their 2019 scholarship recipients. Oooohh wow! That is an impressive set of young people and there is one that I don’t know. But I do forever more know that those other 5 are wicked good.
Seth Hilfiker–Hadn’t heard of him before but was very impressed when I searched his name. Congrats!
Kylie Whitworth has an awesome FFA resume for any state, and Georgia (like Oklahoma) is one of the MAJOR FFA states. I have heard stories of her passion for ag, goats and FFA from her dad as well as her ag teacher. I think that there is even a story about a choice for a new/newer car or a bad ass wether. I think that wether is maybe in the backdrop picture with her. Cool, cool, cool!!!
Taylor Parrish has been mentioned on here before. Great work ethic and this girl can show a goat-wether or doe. We have been fans of this kid for years. Taylor will do well at anything that she wants to do. I will always remember the Kansas City spook house with Taylor, Julie, Duke and others.
Julie Isbell–I know that this chick’s academics were at the top end. I have enjoyed getting to know her over the years. She doesn’t just show goats. She has been known to lead a dang good steer as well. Comes from a great livestock family and an excellent FFA program. We all expect big things from this one.
Bree Taylor–You want to talk about a competitive desire to always be FIRST! This one has that in spades. I saw it when she was little and she has continually backed it up. Bree doesn’t compete, she wins. I would list her resume but we don’t have room. Academics, judging, showing, athletics–name it! She also had some bad ass ag teachers that I am fond of.
Duke Kelln–I can promise you that he didn’t have the highest GPA or ACT score. However, his activities and show record will stack up with anybody/anywhere. Whatever this kid wants to do, he does it very well. This dude was winning banners when we still had to show wethers on chains. He won stuff at an age when the rest were just trying to show. As good as he was with wethers, he was even better working goats, helping with does/babies, getting online sales stock ready, etc. Cows, fishing and hunting—he loves! He was always at his best helping others at shows. I’ve saved texts from other parents over the years about Duke’s help. A true behind-the-scenes & make good things happen kind of dude. He truly always has liked to see his friends succeed. Unless it was welding competitions and then it was all about being the best. Even then, he drove his friends to get better. And he won and won and won. Yes, I can get pissed at this kid. Yes, I am very proud of him, his work ethic and I look forward to his future with great anticipation.
Did I write more about my own kid than the others? Hell Yes! If you don’t like it, go read your own damn blog. I could talk some crap about how good the kids are despite their parents. I mean, one dad is a hi-po! I still refer to another dad as “Thing”. And I could but I won’t, use a lot of F bombs to describe another dad.
On a final note….a HUGE thank you to Tommy and Julie Milligan for starting and growing this scholarship program. That facebook/banner ad of these 6 students is impressive. And it is literally coast-to-coast.
Other websites are offering free/reduced commission to some breeders but not all. Kela sold to the Milligan family in 2009 and a decade later, we still sell with Oklahomashowgoats.com. And TRUST YOU ME, I haven’t been given any free commission. Those high $ buck sales that I used to have–there was plenty of commission money to buy new shoes for those Milligan boys–even though some of them don’t wear shoes or much clothing at all. There is nobody in the industry that talks to more breeders AND buyers than Tommy Milligan. He truly understands all facets of the goat industry. He isn’t trying to buy market share. He is just trying to run a business. Why are others giving their “services” for free to some? Probably because that is what their service is worth–nothing.
Oklahomashowgoats.com has stayed consistent, sells more than any of the others and continues to give back. The Milligan’s do a pile of pro-bono work for various goat related activities. I’ve even told Tommy over the years, “Don’t do that shit for free! Nobody else will. It costs you money.” Thank you Tommy & Julie for all you do! The Kelln family understands and greatly appreciates your efforts.
I don’t even know how much this scholarship is worth. I haven’t been worried about any of Duke’s scholarships. I’ve just been happy that he has gotten any. However, in all actuality, he has gathered up a pile of scholarships for somebody that didn’t like the academic side of scholastic life. However, Duke’s probably ought to be worth about $5K because I figure with readership and word-of-mouth generated from this blog that I just got Tommy Too Tall about that much in FREE advertising. But, we are grateful for whatever he gets.
How appropriate! Journey is playing as these young people get ready to start their journey. How good was that band? Damn good if you ask me! That and the 75 million albums that they have sold worldwide.
Congrats to an absolute outstanding group of scholarship recipients.