I’ve been a little bit busy the past week. Between selling equipment, Deere inventory check and the expo show at Woodward that finished last night, I haven’t had much time or desire to be posting anthing on here. But now, that is all finished.
We finally got that rain that we had been needing for a LONG time. It was a widespread soaking rain. There are parts of the Tx and OK panhandle that still need rain.
Now that I have some time, I will start working to get some wethers ready to sell. There will be an online sale within the next two weeks. I will probably sell 6-10 wethers in this sale. It is a very nice set of goats. Most of these are out of proven females. I will be selling some doe kids, but that will be at a later date. Be watching oklahomashowgoats.com for the wether sale.
If anybody is wanting to see them in person, just call and make an appointment. I should be around most evenings and next weekend.