Wow!! The Pfeiffer family hit a home run with the mature doe sale. They sold those cougars for way good money. I would imagine this will become an annual production sale. They have the numbers and the quality to make it work.
Lots of money changing hands in the goat industry. Helms will have a good sale this weekend and there will be a pair of good sales in OK the next weekend. Tyke has put together the Best of the West sale in Shattuck the end of August. Tyke has a way good set of Joe Dirt’s on the ground. Poe tells me that Lamle has a really good set out of his Six Pack buck, which is a triple bred 66. I will have a set of Freak on a Leash kids.
I probably won’t be able to post for several days as I am going to attend Helm’s sale and I plan on foundering on potato burritos and tamales.