There has been a lot of stuff rattling around inside my skull. Some good, some bad.
Months ago, there was a joke amongst some of my friends that Ellis County was covid-free because it was so effing dry that no virus could live out here. Well, we got an ice storm 2 weeks ago. Ice, snow and rain brought us much needed moisture. Guess what blew the eff up since then? Yep. The rona has found its way to Ellis County. Nobody’s life is threatened but there are a lot of sickly people. And to answer your question, no, I have not been tested. I’m good. Keep on keeping on.
I have had a hard time recovering from my newest purchase. I in no way was planning on buying Duke a brand new pickup. But the current used vehicle market is retarded. It was literally cheaper to buy him a new pickup. Of course, he will soon have something that Kela has never had–vehicle payments.
Speaking of Kela, she is back to work full-time on The Mandalorian set. She has to be tested 3 times per week. She is working long hours and thankful to be working those hours.
Were the Beastie Boys the best at making videos? I say that visually, Shania Twain was the best, but yes, the Beastie Boys made some cool videos.
Back in the mid 90’s, we lived at Waynoka, OK. Great place. A new energy company opened up a field location there. This company was called Chesapeake Energy. Tammy went to work for them in 1997. She worked there for 15 years. She really liked working with that company.
When they first opened up and were giving out free hats and stuff, I made comment that the logo looked like the logo from Callahan Auto Parts. Yes, from the movie Tommy Boy. Chesapeake didn’t make brake pads but it wasn’t long until they changed their logo. Not sure that I had anything to do with the change.
After last year, I feel confident in how to breed Next Friday, UZI and the Mandalorian. I also have a set of does bred to AI. We are currently breeding for April and then May kids. I have a lot of time, effort and money tied up into breeding these does. Can’t wait.
1n 2017, I spent a small fortune on limb removal and tree trimming. Only 3 years later, and I am once again dealing with limb removal. Elm trees are good for a tree trimming business. I had everything cleaned up but then Saturday brought 50 PLUS mph winds that removed more limbs from tree tops.
46 days left in 2020. The last 2 weeks haven’t been fun–family with cancer, a friend with cancer, a mentor with cancer, friends with covid, a friend with a heart problem that led to a stroke, another friend dead of a heart attack……I’m good but dang! Tammy and I spend more time laughing at her little Cavapoo dog. I don’t like him but he makes us laugh. My values seem to have changed during this pandemic.
I’m ready for a concert.
Last year, I fed out 4 steers. This year, I have 8 on feed. I already have 4 spoken for and I have yet to advertise that I am feeding any. Maybe the most valuable thing that I have is 9 butcher dates in Feb, March and April. Yes, that 9th one is for a pig that I am feeding. I like high quality meat.
Here’s to wishing all of you nothing but horseshoes and shamrocks. May tomorrow be better than today.