
Oh, $h!t

What a crappy morning. I slept from 9:30 last night to 5 am. this morning. That is unusual for me. No law & order, no sportscenter, just sleep. Made it to the barn to do chores and sure enough things went sideways. Had a doe that we were watching. She didn’t get marked when she bred, so I wasn’t exactly sure when she was due. I just knew what bucks she had been with and when. She was 13 months old when bred, so she wasn’t small.

Well, she decided to go this morning. She needed help. I grabbed a horn to catch her and then halter her. Guess what? The horn came off in my hand. Smooth off!! I got her haltered and tied to the fence. I felt for the baby and the feet were right there. Easy enough. I pulled. Nothing. I pulled harder. Nothing. I got my calf pulling chains. Put them on the feet and pulled. Nothing. I tried pushing the baby back up the canal and rearranging. That worked. I put the doe on her back to change the angle of the pull. I got it out to the front knees. I pulled harder. Nothing. Did a C section. The kid was a single and already dead. Small pelvic opening. She wasn’t ever going to have a kid.

Lets end this with saying that I didn’t save a kid…or a doe. Somehow I didn’t lose my temper. I was planning on being at the store by 7 this morning, but that isn’t going to happen. Hope your day starts better than mine.

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