I spent an hour or two on this evening watching a movie that I have seen several times. Tammy had never watched Gran Torino. So, I gladly sat and watched it with her. Bad ass movie! Hard to argue with anyone that says that Clint Eastwood is the most influential person in Hollywood….EVER!!! It was not a waste of time watching this flick. Which was completely unlike the teachers’ meeting at COLT conference today.
Had an ex-ag teacher call me this evening. In the conversation, he asked, “So, how was the meeting during COLT conference?” Seriously dude?
I asked if he could remember the itinerary of the last COLT meeting that he went to. He rattled it off. He hasn’t taught in over a DECADE yet he still knew exactly how the meeting would go. EXCEPT for the part of a lecture about how many teachers have taught less than 5 or 10 years. Well, thanks to some unoriginal thinking on behalf of our leadership, once again, we have a bunch of teachers leaving ANOTHER meeting, thinking, this was a waste of time. And they would be correct.
But, it is supposed to be for the kids. The kids said that their part was “okay”. Well, that’s worth a day out of school. I would rather be in school teaching than wasting time. Yet, the state office sends us emails how “attendance is required”. You know what, have a good meeting and attendance will never be a problem. Do something! Earn the respect. Give us a reason to want to be there.
At the end of the meeting, I had a career teacher tell me (damn neart 40 years experience), “You need to put a like button on that dang blog page of yours. It would be fun to see how many ag teachers “liked” that summer conference post. Because this one was just as worthless.”
I don’t need a “like” button. Numerous teachers that do NOT like me have told me that they agreed with my thoughts. Nobody likes to admit that they agree with somebody that they don’t like. Guess what? I know that I am right. I know a waste of time and this crew, once again, delivered in spades. The great thing is that they delivered this same sack of monkey crap itinerary to FIVE different areas. One thing about it, they have worthless meetings perfected at this point.
Question everything. I question everything that I do. And if I don’t like the answer, I fix it. And if I need help fixing it, I ask for help.
Why did that meeting suck? We don’t have the time nor the space to answer that. It isn’t my job but I will gladly point you in the right direction. The question–Could this have all been sent in an e-mail? The answer is YES. Therefore it should be sent in that form. Which means bring something constructive to the table. This meeting would best be described as “an un-original POS.”
Why is there always so much food left-over? Waste of money. Waste of food. Waste of time. The food sucks. The fruit tastes like cardboard. The donuts/pastries are tasteless. Seriously, donuts leftover at an ag teacher meeting?!?! That is some worthless stuff if ag teachers ain’t eating it.
Congrats to Ponca City and Mr. Kevin Frazier on being the 1st ever 5 star superior chapter!!! Wicked awesome!
I’ve got to deal with Blue & Gold and DJs products coming in tomorrow. Only $70sumthousand dollars worth. In a town of 1,200. I will fire up the reefer trailer in the morning and have it cold.
Oh, yeah. There was a state fair of OK goat show this weekend. I didn’t go. I sent a student with a couple of does and she won 2 classes. That’s my kind of stock show.
Have a good one and a better tomorrow. Don’t waste anybody’s time. Make it worthwhile.