
Offensive Words

     I ain’t lying when I say that I have used numerous offensive words.  Some I haven’t used in years.  Some I shouldn’t have used today but it happens.  

     I could really care less about Cale Gundy resigning as an assistant football coach at the U of O.  But there is something about this whole deal that doesn’t pass the smell test.  Sure, he obviously read something out loud that used an offensive word.  Maybe he read it multiple times.  I don’t care.  Something ain’t right.  If it so offensive, the kid shouldn’t have even written on his tablet.

      If this “N” word is so offensive, how come the word is still used at all–by the race that finds it so offensive (which I understand why and that it is that offensive)?  Seriously, EVERYBODY needs to quit using it.  

      I enjoy watching Dave Chappelle.  He makes me think and he makes me laugh.  But man, that dude uses that word A LOT!  

      And if you deal with doe goats, there is a HIGH chance of using offensive language.  Just me? 

No. I didn’t think so.  

Peace out and have a great day.  

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