
My Ass!

Rolling blackout?!?!   Seriously????   Who makes these terms up?

And NO warning when the “rolling blackout” is going to hit.  Imagine a hog farm with a farrowing barn full of babies.  A greenhouse full of plugs and young plants.  Damn!    Give them some warning so that they can get a propane heater or a generator going.  Come on, man!

Common sense.  A simple message from the Southwest Power Pool (who ever heard of them before this week?) to their member companies–“Hey, we are cutting your power from this time to this time.”  Then, the individual companies could notify their customers.  “These lines will be off from this time to this time.”

And I could give a baboon’s red ass about these “grow houses” that have recently been built in Oklahoma or elsewhere for that matter.  Anybody that voted for ANY of the current ass hats in office should have their power cut–potus, senate, house–they all need to be gone.  Guess what?  I still have power as I didn’t vote for any of them.  Send all of them out into the Frigidaire and let them earn their keep, just like all of us.

Speaking of common sense.  All over the midwest, border to border, people are risking their lives to care for livestock, take care of neighbors and do what they can do to take care of their own.  Vet clinics are full of newborn calves that are dealing with hypothermia, or didn’t get colostrum and need a blood transfusion or frost bit parts.  There will be a lot of bulls that won’t fertility test this spring.  People are working to keep power going, water lines flowing, barns/houses heated, trucking supplies to all corners of this nation…yet, we are going to use power to have a basketball game in OKC.  In a big arena, with NO fans????     NOOOO!!!!

People in charge need to Stop and perform this simple exercise.  Stand with hands out-stretched above your head.  Take your left hand and reach over and grab your right ear.  Now, take your right hand and grab your left ear.  Now, with both hands, PULL your head out of your own ass!

Zero fossil fuels?    Dumb asses!

Last summer, a dude in Shattuck hit me up about putting up small square bales of alfalfa.  Sure.  I’m in.  I don’t use a whole pile of alfalfa but I would take 50 bales.  He texted when he was baling.  We went to get it out of the field.  I looked at it and then called him.  “Hey Don.  Is it okay if I take 100 bales instead of 50?”  This was some primo stuff.

Also last summer, our neighbor, the legendary Johnny File, had some wicked looking wheat straw left standing in a field.  It had been cut with a stripper header and the straw was clean.  I called and asked him if I could put up straw bales.  He said get after it.  I called other neighbors and we put up 400 bales.  I kept 130 bales.  My mistake?  I didn’t put up a 1,000.  It was dang good straw.  And another neighbor baled it up with a twine tie baler.  Oh, these bales “pop” when you cut the twine.  And no dust.

Now, during this butt-ass cold 2 week long blast, I have fed more alfalfa small square bales than I ever planned and several of us have used those straw bales to bed goats, pigs, sheep, cattle, dogs, etc.

Both deals were common sense.  That’s it.  Not some super intelligence, just common sense.  The opportunity to do right presented itself.  That’s it.  And of course, the Dragon Lady is now asking me why I didn’t buy more alfalfa or bale up more straw.  I cannot argue with her as she has been great help.  Yet, we’ve still got plenty.  Unless we get another couple weeks of this crap.


Stay warm!  Keep the stock warm, watered and fed.  We are another day closer to it warming up.

Rolling blackouts–my ass!


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