
Movies & Show Ring

It is no secret that I am a fan of the Star Wars tales and the Lord of the Rings stories .  Both have the same plot of good versus evil with an unseen power that binds it all together.  Race, religion, creed, sex, whatever…doesn’t seem to matter in these stories.  Star Wars is one of the richest movie franchises of all time.  The J.R.R. Tolkien novels/movies have proven to be highly successful as well.  They are both just copycats of the most successful selling book of all time–THE bible.

Recently, I have been forced to think.  Dangerous, yes.  I have been forced to think as an ag teacher, not as a parent.  I was a stock show parent from 1999 when Kela got her first show pigs to 2019 when Duke finished his showing career.  This isn’t bragging, just truth…I have been to Mount Doom and I have dealt one-on-one with the evil Emperor.  And I can tell you without a doubt, that I am glad to be done as a stock show parent.  BUT……..

As a been there, done that person, I am reminded of lines from the dwarf Gimli towards the end of The Return of the King.

“Certainty of death.  Small chance of success.  What are we waiting for?”

I love what stock shows bring to the table in the terms of teachable moments.  Work ethic.  Proper evaluation.  Nutrition.  Animal welfare.  And maybe most importantly, time management & priorities. The social networking brought about from stock shows is invaluable, in my opinion.  I enjoy watching students sort stock, work to make them better and have hope to win.  BUT….the old, crusty bastard is thinking we don’t have a chance.  Why?  We didn’t spend enough, cover enough miles, no judge ties, etc.  Like Gimli’s quote, I/we understand what looms ahead.  Which means that I need to be a better teacher/coach/whatever.  But…..I came into this industry not knowing anything except what I was getting ready to learn.  And I am still trying to learn.

Does any of this make sense?  It does to me.

I hope that every person that works hard and works right has a chance at a given stock show.  However, I know that every stock show is different depending on the $s and bragging rights at hand.  Regardless of breeders, jocks, ag teachers, parents, whomever, there is always a chance of things not being quite right.

Yet, we all need to realize that this is just a hobby.  That’s it.  Some may argue.  In reality, the stock show industry is not even a blip on the radar in grand economic scales.  Name me a stock show business that is publicly traded on the stock exchange.  You can’t.  There are some HUGE companies—ADM, AllTech,etc.   But stock shows aren’t their cash cows.

Bull semen is a big market–yet the biggest supplier, ABS, focuses on production cattle.  They just happen to carry some show stock semen as a deal on the side.

Sullivan’s is a huge supplier of show product.  The biggest of them all.  Yet, they sell out of trailers and on a shelf in Atwoods or Tractor Supply.

Hunting is also a hobby.  Yet, there are complete stores–BassPro, Cabela’s, Gander Mountain–dedicated to just that.

I write all of this crap to get to this point.  Livestock showing is the ONLY hobby that we care if we get a return on our investment.

Music–nope.  Pay for the lessons and hope they are good.  And in reality, the next Slash is in a back bedroom or garage perfecting their craft.

Hunting/fishing–buy new guns, ammo, lures, fishing poles, camo, boats, licenses, whatever…..and hope they get SOMETHING.

Athletics–NOPE!  We have fund raisers to pay for rings.  Not for the basics.  Parents pay for camps, new shoes, new uniforms, more lessons, whatever.  Mom was un-athletic.  Dad was un-athletic.  But somehow, some way, junior is going to be on sports center.  Nobody questions what the camps, gear, lessons or equipment cost.  BUT….if you are a stock show parent…..How much did you lose on that animal?

99.99% of all athletic parents lose money…yet, they will be the most critical of stock show people.  The odds are worse for musical parents.  We don’t think twice about an academic tutor.  ACT classes, damn right!  If you have a kid with a 27 or 28+, no big deal. However, if you are trying to raise that score from a 25 to a 28….parents will pay whatever for the help.

I’m down with all of it.  I do not blame any parent for doing whatever they deem necessary….within means…for their kid(s).  My point, quit looking at stock shows as a profitable venture.  If done right, no way to make money.  But the intangibles are priceless.  And unlike the other things, stock show social networks are extensive and life-long.

Wrap up time.

I like Star Wars and the Fellowship of the Ring books/movies.
In reality, stock shows are just a hobby.

People spend A LOT on hobbies.

Parents spend A LOT to help their kids find success.

As a former stock show parent, I am jaded in the stock show part (I find humor in that jade part).

As an ag teacher, I realize that there are real life lessons tied to stock showing and the values that will pay off later.

As a human being, I like Gimli’s quote.  “Small chance of success.  What are we waiting for?”


If you read all of this crap and think that Kelln is getting old and sour…well, you would be correct.  However, I am also learning to re-learn what I already knew but had just not remembered.  I’ve said before that we need a reminder from time to time.  Well, I am living it.

“Try not.  Do or do not.  There is no try.”




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