I originally wrote this last Tuesday evening. Then, it got lost. Now, I’ve had a week to think about it. Maybe I shouldn’t do this? No, no. I don’t want to miss the opportunity to enlighten others. There are plenty that agree with me (most, if not all). Let’s wrap these last couple of posts up in a nice little package that makes sense.
Nobody wants to have their time wasted. Especially busy people. Not that all ag teachers are busy, yet we all want our time to be used wisely.
Ag Ed Summer Conference 2021 was a colossal waste of time. This is not just my opinion but the majority. Send out some cute little survey and ask all OK ag teachers “Was this year’s summer conference worthwhile?” It was nothing but a waste of time and missed opportunities.
“Whoa there cowboy!” One might say, “Well hell Kelln. You didn’t even attend the first session.” And you, my friend, would be correct. I looked at the schedule, saw that the first session was for 1 hour on Monday morning and then NO more sessions until Tuesday. Nice time management. Plus, there was nothing on the agenda for that session except some years of service certificates. And my name got called for 20 years. Yet, I have taught 22 and this is the second time in the past five years that the state office has got it wrong. No matter. That 1 hour session only lasted 40 minutes. Sure, I could have had somebody scan me in for attendance, yet that just ain’t my style. Summer Conference 2021 was a waste of time and a collection of missed opportunities.
Missed Opportunity #1–Learning.
The entire 2021 AgEd summer conference could have been sent in one email that only took a minute or two to read. It didn’t happen, learning that it is. Why? The learning part was never offered. Don’t care who I offend but if any in charge would peruse the agenda that was offered and gave an honest response….well, they too would agree that it was very UN-educational. I could name two teachers that were attending for their first time. They VERY MUCH would have liked for me to be wrong when I told them that it was going to suck. They too will admit that it was not an educational atmosphere. Teach us something. Let us come up with one nugget that makes us a better teacher, build a better program, organize and manage our time better, something, anything. Yet, nothing. It was a captive audience. Be a cheerleader and pump us up about the upcoming year. Nope. Nothing. Flat line——————-
Missed Opportunity #2–Here By The Owl
I wasn’t going to attend Tuesday morning but I thought that there was a chance of something. I even sat towards the front. Right next to Jack Staats and Dr. Mindi Clark. I was paying attention until I got bored. And then, thank GOD, there was a dog playing in the park across the street and then geese. ADD. Anyways, they showed us a video, which we witnessed live at State FFA Convention this spring. Nonetheless, it was a cool moment of the first ever Here By The Owl awards. This was given to 6 very deserving ag teachers. These six teachers had taught for a combined 245 years. I know all six of them and they are very deserving. Yet all six are very different. Different people, different types of programs, different types of communities. Yet, the same types of successes and longevity. Stellar! Several years ago, I wrote about talking to a couple of old timers at the State Fair of OK. I loved their passion. I still carry some of the conversation with me, which happened in front of the decorated pumpkins at the state fair. These were 2 of the 6.
The video ended and we were given the info that 56% of all OK ag teachers have taught less than 10 years. No shit! One only needed to look around the room to realize that statistic. And this is the point that opportunity was beating the hell out of the door, yet no one in charge answered. We are, in the midst of 6 wise old OWLS sitting in the room with us. Put them on stage, have a moderator and let them do what they have done for decades–TEACH!!! Ask them….ask them how, ask them why, what made you stay, is there a secret? ASK!!! I know these guys. They would have absolutely captivated the room. It could have lasted for 30 minutes or an hour or 30 minutes. Nobody would have complained. Everybody in the room would have learned something, anything, everything to take back. My goodness, Mr. Billy Scott is possibly the greatest ag teacher of all-time. 45 years at Amber-Pocasset. And he probably has more state and national champions than he does years of service. You won’t get him to brag but people, that resource was one of the 6 wise OWLS. Every ag teacher wants to listen to somebody like him.
Jeez. Coaches pay to listen to Nick Saban or Bill Belichick talk. We could have listened to these SIX OF OUR OWN educators for free. Serious! Ask them. Now, I’m thinking about organizing an event, charging admission and paying the 6. You know what? Ag teachers would pay, drive and learn. We paid and drove to summer conference but we didn’t receive the opportunity to learn. Instead, we lost hours of our lives that we will never get back.
Missed Opportunity #3–Ag Teacher Hall Of Fame
This year’s recipient was Mr. John Kinney of Mooreland. OUTSTANDING!! Great man that ran a stellar program for decades. As good of an ag teacher as he was, an even better person. You can’t find anybody to say a negative thing about him. I’ve known who he was since the late 80s. Known him personally since the mid 90s. Very deserving. Great family.
A video was shown that had four of his former students talking about Mr. Kinney’s impact. I know three of these ladies. Their testament to the impact of Mr. Kinney on the students of Mooreland, I understand and enjoyed. The other, I did not know.
However, sitting in the conference was a former student of Mr. Kinney’s that is an ag-ed teacher in Oklahoma. A very successful product of the Mr. Kinney led Mooreland FFA chapter. Maybe there is something there that I am not aware of, if so, alright. To me, it was a missed opportunity to NOT include this fellow teacher/product of the honoree in the video.
Missed Opportunity #4–District Meetings—I mean Area Meetings
Then we moved into our area meetings. That was awe inspiring. Other the conversation with other teachers, worthless. Once again, another missed opportunity to provide something new, motivational or useful.
This post may bother some. Fine. If you are reading this, you are already aware that I don’t care who I offend and will gladly say more in real life. But my mom and mother-in-law read this crap, so I’ll keep it clean.
Can I fix the problem? EASILY. I, nor any other ag teacher should have to. I’m not the one that hates my job or my life or my co-worker(s) or really isn’t qualified. It’s not my job to fix it but I, as well as others, can fix it. The people in charge need to remember that they work for the ag-ed teachers and students of Oklahoma. It is NOT the other way around.
I enjoyed seeing other ag teachers. I enjoyed the DJ’s shrimp boil. I learned nothing from the AgEd sessions, yet learned from people that attended sessions in other divisions.
My point is simple. Hold a worthwhile event and gain the respect of ag teachers. I WANT to learn as do the majority. However, keep flushing turds at us like this past event and eventually the septic tank will back up. Nobody likes that.
I could gladly name names that agree with me or I could explicitly name names that are the problem. Not going to. I will simply own this and honestly say that the Ag Ed sessions of Summit (summer conference, whatever) were not worthwhile. Sure, these are not the words that I would use in a normal Kelln conversation. IFSBOAW!
Concerns, questions, comments, want to cuss at me…whatever. I can be reached at 580-571-5029. If I don’t answer, please leave a message or text as I am doing something worthwhile and educational. I WILL get back with you.
Should I mention the tax $s wasted for 400+ teachers to attend this waste of time?