

Day 2 of THE Oklahoma Youth Expo.  I just spent my first night in this hotel room that will serve as my home until March 20.  Part of me is dreading this week and a half.  The other part is glad that I will actually be able to slow down during this time.

Thank goodness that I don’t have as many animals around the house as the Dragon Lady is in charge of all chores while I am gone.  She has been great help this winter/spring.

A year ago is when this covid shit-storm started.  It was during the judging of the Ag Mechanics when word was received that Houston was shutting down.  OYE made every effort to keep going and actually got all of the females shown.  From then on, the OYE crew showed the rest of the country how to run a stock show.  They ran the California Youth Expo, then they held the EYO when the State Fair of OK punted.  And once Denver canceled, this crew held the Cattleman’s Congress, which turned out to be a hit for exhibitors and the city of Oklahoma City.

I guess a sheep sold for some money?   $240,000 for half interest/NO possession.  Seeing who the players are on this dude, I bet it works.

I’ve already had a cheddar burger at Earl’s and lamb fries at Cattleman’s, so my OYE diet is in full swing.


People, have a good one today and a better one tomorrow.  Here’s to horseshoes and shamrocks for all.



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