
Just random $h!t

The geico insurance commercial with Billy Blanks makes me think about pigs.  In case you don’t know, Billy Blanks was the creator of the Tae Bo exercise program.  There was also a high profile boar named Tae Bo.  That boar sired some good ones.  I still remember seeing Tae Bo & Bocephus at Hi Point.

In case you didn’t know, I’m kind of a livestock junkie.  Goats, sheep, pigs, cattle, some chickens and throw in some equine.  Speaking of equine, I have one of those metal art deals that you find in south TX.  Cheap, thin metal shaped into animal forms.  It is no doubt a donkey.  It was bought for me.   We keep it in the basement (Tammy doesn’t want it upstairs in full view of visitors).  We call it Dong-Key  (say it like Shrek).   Good thing this deal doesn’t walk because he would step on it.  Every time I look at it, I think of some Mexican welder laughing as he created this sculpture.

Is this current crop of kids really bad?  Not in Shattuck!  7:20 am and some 8th grade boys come in and ask if they can practice cutting with the oxy-gas torch.  The first hour bell rings and one of the boys says, “Thank you sir for the opportunity to learn skills that I can use the rest of my life.”    WHAT????

Meanwhile, back in the classroom, the last hour of the day and some 8th grade girls have speech topic ideas.  “When can you help us write a speech?”    I’ve said it and typed it before, if you put good opportunities in front of kids, they will take them.

A group of freshman boys has several hours invested in an ag mech project. These meatheads aren’t half-way done with this deal and they are already talking about what they are going to build next year and the next year.  LOTS of trash talking with this crew.  I warned them this afternoon—NO more momma jokes!  They are really good kids but……the banter amongst them?!?

At least they play good tunes.  This evening, we discussed the top five rock bands of all-time.  This is what we came up with–in no particular order–the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Guns N Roses, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Def Leppard, Van Halen & Metallica.  Not exactly 5 but I don’t think math is their strong suit.  Nonetheless, a really good group.

Tonight, when I kicked them out of the shop, I reminded them to work their show animals.  “I will.” was the common response.  An hour later, a text from one of them.  A video text–even showed the meathead propping his phone up to video.  Next thing, a video of him setting his goat up.   Creativity at it’s finest.  I liked it.

We had a pet rabbit that lived at the ag building since January of 2019.  Hassenpeffer was her name.  But, thankfully, Hass went to live at my co-teacher’s house.  Well, her husband walked into their backyard, only to see a hawk ripping Hassenpeffer into pieces.  Traumatic!  I wanted to cook that rabbit.  Oh, and for those of you that wonder if I would show a rabbit.  YES!  And it won a blue ribbon.  Maybe a purple.  I really don’t care.  However, I do know that it won more money than what it cost.  Can you say that about your show project?   I think not.

I need to stop typing.  Random, random, random.  People, have a good one and a better tomorrow.



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