I have never understood how most shows select goat judges. Majors on down to district shows. How in the hell do some of these people end up judging goat shows? Because they took the ABGA test? That should only qualify them to judge PUREBRED shows. In a junior show like OYE or Tulsa, pigmentation, horn slope and breed character doesn’t matter and shouldn’t matter.
The judges themselves should know when to turn a show down. If you are going to use in your terms, “I normally don’t judge goat shows” or “I mostly judge lamb shows, so this is a bit out of the norm for me.” Well, the judge should politely turn down the offer.
A couple of years ago, we suffered through an OYE doe judge that commented in EVERY class that he normally doesn’t judge goats. And in the end, he judged like he didn’t know what he was doing. I had several goats that won numerous classes that day. One of which is one of the best that I have ever seen. She won a class. However, in the end, the good ones weren’t where they should have been. I’ve kept quiet for the sake of the kids that won but he wasn’t worth 2 squirts of owl crap. And I wasn’t the only one that thought this as he hasn’t been back. Nor has he judged any other doe shows. Yet, he judged the biggest one—ONCE. WTF?
As a parent/teacher/coach….this makes it hard to explain. From the other side–money/politics–I get it. I don’t have to like it. But, I get it. My point—if you are on the side of trying to make money or make sure the politics are on your side, then at LEAST make sure the people you paid ACT like they know what they are doing.
How come so many sheep judges are considered expert goat judges? Goats are harder to judge than lambs. Shouldn’t good goat judges be lamb judges?
Why do so many shows try to hire a goat/lamb judge? Racist son-of-a-guns. They don’t worry about hiring a barrow/steer judge. If I was to get a call to judge a rabbit show, you know what, I would turn it down. Even though I can judge rabbits, I would HOPE that there are people more qualified than I.
I’ve served on numerous committees that have input to pick judges and it is hard. Scheduling, political conflicts, travel and pay are always a concern. The judges should be excited to come look at the stock. Not intimidated.
Year after year, I watch the Westminster dog show. Not one time have I thought that they should call me to judge.
I’m at that point where this post could go several different directions. Just read it and think about it. No matter, I’m done.
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