

     The first big goat sale of the year in OK and I coudn’t be there.  Why? I have a job.  Short-handed.  Too much to do, therefore I couldn’t leave the store until 5:30.  Hour and a half drive, sale starts at 6:30–Bonham auctioneering. I drive fast, but not that fast.  Sounds like the sale went way high anyways.  I’m just a bargain bin shopper that only helps a couple of people with goats so no need to go.  There is still plenty more goats to buy.

     A job can get in the way of other things.  Sometimes, one just simply needs to step back and realize where their priorities lie.  Then, decide to use vacation days in June.  I’m having a hard time getting fired up for a set of older wethers for Tulsa.  Part of me just wants to stay home and go to work.  

     This goat deal is a full time job, but the hours are way early and late at night.  No benefits such as health insurance, 401K or dental plans.  Just the occasional benefit of seeing a little one that makes you stop, look and go “wonder what ear tag # he is?  That one is cool.”  Actually, you already normally know which one it is, but you still have to wonder for a second, double check the tag # and make mental sticky notes.  I’ve got a pair in the barn that aren’t even tagged and I find myself stopping and looking.  That is the addictive part of raising goats–watching little ones.  Sometimes, just watching a 3 week old run in circles and jump and land on its mother’s back, you shake your head, then mom steps forward and it clumsily falls to the ground.  I shake my head and wonder how an animal can be that athletic and look that bad falling on its’ ass.  I don’t mind the bucks, I like good wethers and I enjoy the babies, but I abhor the does.  Broken record, but I have a couple of great producers that are giving me pause.  Wasted hay, limping kids, crimped panels, bent barn metal, scared pen mates, etc.  

      I can sit down with a pen, sticky notes and a calculator and cash flow making a living with goats.  Most of my dealings have involved a sticky note.  Speech topics, ear notches, tag #s, to-do lists, phone #s, reminders, fund raisers, etc.  all on sticky notes.  Take a look at my desk at home and at work.  They are valuable–to me.  Plus, nobody else can read the cryptic messages that I have written on there.  

      Part of me just cringes at the thought of not having a regular job, especially when you have a good job like I presently have.  I did it for 8 weeks back in 2008 and my mind was in real good shape.  But I learned a few things about myself.  If I didn’t go to a normal job everyday then I wouldn’t shave very often.  I would wear shorts or wind pants at least 350 days out of the year.  I would eat breakfast–toast, bacon, sausage or Cocoa Puffs.  I would exercise on a regular basis. I wouldn’t miss many auctions–equipment, estate, livestock or otherwise. And if it was like my 8 week sabbatical, I wouldn’t miss the kid’s activities very often.   

        Speaking of jobs.  Kela has a real cool job right now.  But she has goals, plans and ideas to further her future endeavors in the real world.  However.  She sent her mom a picture today that made me laugh.  Ever since Kela was getting ready for her first day of kindergarten, Tammy has taken a 1st day of school picture of Kela.  This tradition has continued with Duke and even with Kela in college.  Today, my smart-ass daughter took a picture of herself going to her LAST day of school.  We are proud of her, but the real world is looming.  If I could do it all over, I would still be in college at OSU working on my 7th doctorate.  

      To all of you with jobs–paying or otherwise–I salute you.  Everybody needs a job.  Unemployment–that only exists because of politicians and a pile of those need to be un-employed.  

Good day, GOD bless and stay flexible, but not limp.