
It’s here

Winter is here. Ice on top of the tanks. The wethers are wearing multiple layers of blankets. The does are eating alfalfa. And the flies are dying. It will be dark when I leave the house of a morning and dark when I get home. After chores are done, my evenings will consist of listening to the Dragon Lady grip at Duke to get homework done and watching movies. I don’t go to a movie theater very often, every couple of years or so. But I do have some all-time favorites.


10–Forrest Gump


8–Tommy Boy

7–Lord of the Rings–the whole trilogy, the first movies that were as good as the book.

6–Big Jake, The Cowboys, True Grit (the original), etc.–anything John Wayne.

5–Hangover or Animal House

4–Star Wars–All of them

3–The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

2–Shawshank Redemption–it only comes on TBS about twice a month.

2A–Lion King

1A–Lonesome Dove–better have a while for that one.

1–Blazing Saddles–this one gets funnier the older I get.


During the month of December, I am also apt to watch Christmas Vacation about 20 times and The Christmas Story everytime it comes on. I also don’t miss Rudolph–the claymation version-when it comes on.

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