
It begins

Feb. 22 is George Washington’s birthday.  In the year 2020, it is also the actual start of National FFA week. According to book face, some chapters were celebrating FFA week from the 15th to the 22nd.  But, the national FFA website says that it is the 22nd to the 29th.  Which is right?

Technically, FFA week is the week from Saturday to to the following Saturday that encompasses George Washington’s birthday.  With the 22nd falling on a saturday, both are kind of right.  However, the national FFA website says it is FEb. 22 to 29, that is when it SHOULD be.

The Woodward District Jr. Livestock Show begins today.  The Ag Mechanics show is setup and their are tables loaded with prizes for the winners.  We have outstanding support for their contests and it will continue to grow.  Barrows show Sunday, gilts monday then sheep on Tuesday and goats on Wednesday.  Cattle are the following Monday.  District shows are when it gets serious for me.  I don’t get pumped for jackpots, I hate locals and could care less about a county show.

Speaking of beginning, our favorite son is now beginning a new chapter in his life.  As of Friday, Feb. 21, Duke was sworn in to the United States Marine Corp.  He made this decision and is following through with it.  He had mentioned this several times over the past year.  He did not enjoy college.  He turned down a job with Ditch Witch in order to make this decision.  We are extremely proud of him.  We support this decision.  And yet, there is a knot in the gut.  He will leave in a couple of weeks for sunny San Diego.  Although, I don’t think that he will be going there to enjoy the nice climate.

Ol George Washington made a name for himself through military duty.  That is how it began for him.  What do you reckon George would think of the jackass political scene that we currently enjoy in these United States of America?


Have a good one.  Here’s to horseshoes and shamrocks for all of us.  And now, the phrase Semper Fi takes on a stronger meaning here at the Kelln Kompound.

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