
I’m ready!

It’s not like I’ve been just sitting at home.  I’ve had plenty to do–at school, in town, on the road, etc.  However, I’ve practiced some social distancing.  But I’m ready for this to get over.

I’m ready to go to a cafe and eat a big breakfast.  There is just something wicked awesome about hash browns, bacon, scrambled eggs and toast from a well used griddle.

I’m ready to sit down at a booth in a Mexican restaurant with plenty of salsa, queso, chips and an icy cerveza.

I’m ready to be back in school.  I like working and keeping things going in the right direction.  This google classroom stuff isn’t ideal for teaching ag ed.

I’m ready to go to mass.  Especially for Easter Sunday.

Have a good one and a better tomorrow.  Stay safe from the Rona and our crappy politicians and their evil backers.

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