
HOF part deaux

Here I go again.  Oh, that is a great song and a great video.


Lora Riley–Some of you may not remember the Riley sisters showing goats.  But for a 5 or 6 year period, they were a beast to try to beat.  And not just goat showing, those girls were good at everything.  Lora showed 2 Bronze wethers at OYE, a Res. grand at OYE, a Reserve grand at Tulsa, a reserve grand at State Fair and a pile of division and class winners at majors including Kansas City.  I honestly don’t remember if she won 4 or 5 district shows.  I vividly remember the great one that weighed out at OYE.  When the Riley’s were done, they were done.  Those girls went on to focus on athletics and did well.


Chance Greenroyd–If you want a history lesson in Oklahoma show goats, study his career.  LOTS of class winners and reserve divisions at state fair, Tulsa and OYE.  Consistent premium sale maker for years.  Hall of fame career AND then 2009 started–reserved grand at OYE, then grand at state fair, then grand at Tulsa and then grand at OYE 2010.  one of the best years of showing goats.  Chance had the single most dominant day of showing goats–Tulsa 2009–he won division 4, 5 & 6.  The judge had one decision–which goat of Chance’s was he going to use.  He comes from an ultra-competitive, multi-species stock show family but he put his mark in the goat ring.  He was one of the very best ever at showing each & every goat, exactly how that individual goat needed shown.  Throw in some Denver and Kansas City banners.


Tyler Boles–a grand and a reserve grand at OYE start a helluva resume.  Now, throw in possibly the most jackpot wins in OK history.  He showed every weekend and was always in the hunt at every show.  Lots of premium sale slots.  Wicked showman.  Yeah, he’s still at this goat game.


Halie Schovanec–the most natural goat showman that I have ever witnessed–anywhere.  Does or wethers–doesn’t matter.  A grand wether at Tulsa, two Reserve grand wethers at OYE, three grand wethers at Enid District and a pile of premium sale wethers.  Oh, now, throw in a grand doe at Tulsa.  Was never afraid to bark orders at TravASS, Braden or myself.  She knew what they needed to look like.


Braden Schovanec–diverse, but always successful.  A grand wether at OYE, a grand wether at the state fair,  a reserve grand wether at OYE, a reserve grand wether at Denver, a reserve grand wether at Lone Star Elite.  Add in a host of div & reserve divisions at Tulsa and OYE.  I’m not even going to list his wins in ABGA shows.  Or the fact that he has raised a bunch of good ones.  Or all of his showmanship wins.  This is a quote from myself as well as Milligan–“The very best at setting a goat for a photo, or taking the photo and helping to clip for photos is Braden Schovanec.”  He has been a part of all facets of the goat industry.  And is still going.   Teaching, coaching, raising goats.


That’s enough for tonight.  I’m enjoying reminiscing.  And yes, I can probably still remember the genetics of all the wethers that we listed tonight.  Better yet, I can remember how damn good these kids were at their craft.

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