
Guest Blog

This is my favorite that was sent to me.

The author is Ron Simonson from Nebraska.  If you don’t know of Ron, well, you need to.  He’s managed to put together some elite wethers the past few years including grands & reserve grands at Nebraska State Fair, Arizona National, NILE, AkSarBen and others.  He has owned elite bucks, utilizes AI & ET in his program.  But, he also helps a lot of other breeders in Nebraska.  And he is a sucker to help a young person in this industry.  Ron & I only see each other once or twice a year but this dang blog deal has been a talking, texting, email deal between us for years.

Here you go!


“What’s in a name?
I’ve always been intrigued and amused at the names people give their bucks. How much goes into it? Is there inspiration when you first see him? Or do you have it picked out before birth? And when they announce the new one and the internet blows up because that name was already in use. How do you know?
Being focused on raising wethers for almost two decades I very rarely ever named one. I labeled a couple pretty good ones though. Bootlegger and Detroit come to mind. Good names, and not to bad of stock. I didn’t even care to help name some partnership bucks, letting the other guy have all the fun. “PD” aka Panty Dropper, Big Rumour, Tigger, and No Strings Attached are all good names.
A couple years ago I realized that being north of 70 and arthritis in my hands and knees something had to change. After an “almost dispersal” (where have you heard that before) I needed to change direction. And I was surprised that there are so many around here that have 2 to 5 does and have no way to get them bred to a decent buck Many are FFA or 4-H projects or grandparents doing it for them. That’s where I come in. This has allowed me to stay in the game so to speak. Meet and talk goats with friends. Which is the very best part of the whole goat experience. Now I have more bucks (7) than does kidded last December (6). But now I am raising these replacement bucks and have to name them.
So I sat down and tried to figure out who came up with the best names. Allan Morgan has one of my favorite names. Captain Morgan. The guy at this keyboard has drank more handles of that spiced elixir than either of you that are still reading this.
Kelln has named a lot of them. Some I like, others, idk he’s all over the board.
The King of goat naming has to be Joe Raff. How do you come up with: I Don’t Know, I Don’t Remember, or It’s Not Important? My favorite of all time is, None Of Your Business!
Milligan, does that sound Italian? Tommy has named a number of bucks too. Lately there has been Lasagna, Tango, da Vinci. Ahha, a theme. That’s what I have needed, a theme. 60’s rock bands.
So now I have put some names on some bucks that most breeders have never heard. Like Steppenwolf and Three Dog Night. Chicago and Blood Sweat n Tears (oh what brass sections they had).
Hoping to raise a couple more bucks this year and now trying to come up with that just right name. Paul Revere and the Raiders, Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs, Grand Funk Railroad. Probably all to wordy.
Righteous Bros, Doobie Bros, Everly Bros, or Alhman Bros. The Bro thing probably won’t fly.
Buddy Holly, I think that’s already be taken.
There’s Little Richard, Stevie Wonder, and Ray Charles. But I’ve heard several judges refer to Ray as being a judge himself.
Well I have narrowed it down, my next name will be one of the following: Buffalo Springfield, Wilson Picket, Union Gap, Bruce Springstein, Procol Harum, or Jefferson Airplane.
But, if I ever have one good enough to be called CCR. You’ll all want to get some juice from him.
So how does he say this? Shamrocks and Horseshoes!
And have a Blessed day”


How about that?  Ron brings up valid points on naming bucks (which I will discuss later), takes a dig at me, makes fun of the Italian?!? in Perrydise and now puts all of us goaters on watch for a buck tied back to Credence Clearwater Revival.  Thanks.


I’ll post some more of these deals.

Been hooked up lately, trying to get stuff done at school, at home and hopefully going to make a quick trip to KC this weekend.

Have a good one.

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