We live in the only county in Oklahoma that is designated as green level for covid. No restrictions. Mask optional. Of course, one wise dude commented that it is two fold as to why Ellis County is green—-nobody wants to live here and it is so @&##ing dry that a virus can’t live here.
Five weeks ago, I was getting bucks collected at REI. I stopped by Perrydise to look at doe kids that would be offered online. There was a doe kid that hit me hard. The following Monday, I got her bought. I told Milligan that I would be there that weekend to pick her up. He called me on the following Thursday and told me that she had pinkeye in both eyes. He said that it was the worse case that he had seen. He wasn’t lying.
Now, a month later, her eyes are clear. I’ve dealt with pinkeye on numerous occasions. Rarely, do we see it in both eyes. And never have I seen one that was completely blind in both eyes. It only took numerous dosages of LA200, plus gentamycin sprayed in her eyes once a week combined with penicillin squirted under her eyelids several times a week to clear it up. I kept her inside, out of the sunlight. She never lost her appetite. She just doesn’t like to be caught. It’s always something in the goat world.
Have a good week.