
Goats for Sale

     We have a wether for sale out of Duke’s pen.  Duke has four wethers and he is only keeping three.  Tag 560x is an April born Helms 191/100.  He is weighing in the 70s.  He reads to be a wether that will weigh between a 100 & 110 by Mid March.  Big, square butt.  Level hip with tail up where it is supposed to be.  Long bodied and jack necked.  Good boned with a big loin that ties into his hip/loin juncture like it is supposed to.  He would bring a PILE if he was in an auction.  He is a definite OYE premium sale quality and could play really tough in div. 4.  The first $3,000 will own him. 

      There are a couple of other wethers that will be for sale this week.  Mike Weber’s grand-daughter has too many wethers on feed.  There is a June born Goofy wether from me that is a shapely handling dude with a cool look.  He has a big back in him.  He will be a div. 2 kind wether or could be managed to stay in div. 1.  There is also a Joe Dirt-Bodog wether from Tyke.  This goat is big ribbed, heavy boned and powerful.  He will be moderate in terms of frame size.  Both of these wethers are good.  Enid/Woodward district premium sale caliber with a shot at being OYE sale caliber.  Call Mike Weber at 580-254-1749

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