
Friday morning stuff

I attended the Woodward District Premium sale last night. I had not been to this sale since 2005 when I was still teaching at Waynoka. Enid show has always conflicted until this year. WOW!!! Woodward put on a sale. Great crowd & a ribeye steak dinner for all in attendance, not just buyers. Lots of money was being spent on kids in the ring and that much or more was being spent on add-ons. It was a very impressive sale. I don’t know what the average was, but I bet it was close to $2,000 per kid not counting add ons. I hope OYE sale is as good as Woodward’s was.

Enid has always screwed up on their sale as they don’t allow add ons. That leaves a lot of money on the table for kids that doesn’t get spent otherwise. They told me one year, that they didn’t have the man power to handle the add-ons. I told them I had several women that would donate their time to take care of it. They still don’t allow add-ons. So much for that excuse, but that’s fine. It’s their show.


Heard some story about 3 dogs on the side of the road in Gage, OK. Ask Tyke or Wild Bill for the Paul Harvey part of this…for you all too young to remember Paul Harvey–He did “The rest of the story.”

Saw something at the store the other day. There was a new 4 door, 4 wheel drive, flatbed pickup parked out front. On the dash of this pickup was a little poodle looking beast. All clipped up. This was not the kind of dog you expect to see in an ag related vehicle. More like the kind that you would see one of those Kardashian’s or Hilton chicks carrying. I went to the parts counter to see who the customer was. I knew the guy, so I started giving him crap about his dust mop on the dash of the pickup. He was actually babysitting the dog for his mother. However, he had his dog in the backseat. I asked him what kind it was. It was a one of kind — Old English Bulldog x Dachsund cross. Yes, a weinerdog/bulldog mix. It actually looked exactly like you would imagine that a weinerdog/bulldog offspring should look. The dog had great personality. Just for the record, the weinerdog was the father in that mating. I know, I asked.

Sasha, the dog that inhabits our little piece of paradise, has taken to sleeping on the backporch. It started during a bad cold snap back in November, but has somehow continued. I am the one that has to throw her out. Now, when I walk on to the backporch, she hides her face, so that I can’t see her and make her go outside.

Well, we leave for OYE tomorrow morning. Wethers show on monday. I expect a high quality show. Probably won’t be on here until after OYE. Next week, the wether pens will be empty and we will start thinking about next year.


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