

     Hadn’t been on the internet much the past couple of days.  Clicked on an upcoming online auction that is offering some doe kids.  Hummel’s are offering an impressive set of photos for this sale.  Whoever did the hair care, fitting and clipping did an amazing job.  The hair are on these things is out of this world.  You look at these pictures and it makes you want to make a quick trip up north to look at these things.  Luckily, I don’t have time right now, so I will be able to leave my checkbook alone.  

     I respect when somebody can fit one like this and get a photo of any species of animal that looks the way these do. They are untouched photos.  There was a pile of time, effort and skill that went into gettting these does presented like that. They will bring a pile of cash.  Lary Duncan has always set the benchmark for clipping, fitting and shooting photos of goats.  It takes time, skill and patience.  That time thing, not to mention a lack of patience, is what keeps me from doing it.  When it’s time to sell, I just want them gone and to a good home.  I know I leave money on the table, but sometimes, a guy just has too many irons in the fire.  

     Now, the question remains as to what is under the hair and how well these things will feed out.  I’m not questioning it, that is for the buyers and bidders to decide.  Whoever masters the presentation, such as these, combined with animals that will win majors is going to corner the market.  This may be the set to do just that.  If it is, then it is going to make every other breeder step up their game in order to sell high dollar goats.

     It looks like it will be an interesting week for online sales.  I bet that they go well.  Real well.

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